Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Raum Klang Stimme - Space Sound Voice

Auf der Suche nach dem Ursprung der Obertöne (A Quest for the Origin of Harmonics) - (documentary film)

Teaser "Raum Klang Stimme" (English)


Harmonic proportions are a phenomena occurring everywhere in nature, from the growth of a plant to cosmic gas clouds. The scale of the harmonics also apply to sound and can be made audible through the human voice.

Since the 1960s a singing technique, in which harmonics are made audible purposely, was discovered and used by a few musicians consciously and became popular under the name of ‘overtone singing’ or ‘harmonic chant’. Due to the rapidly growing interest, it was soon ‘discovered’ that many other cultures of the world already had a long tradition of overtone-singing: for example some tribes in Africa, South America and even Papua New Guinea. The most famous form is known from central Asia – Tuva and Mongolia, and there it is called ‘Höömii’, Throatsinging.

This film documentation, portraying seven musicians, deals with the topic of ‘overtone-singing’ and the harmonic proportions.


David Hykes
Christian Bollmann
Wolfgang Saus
Danny Wetzels
Hosoo & Transmongolia
Jill Purce
Mark van Tongeren


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