Dear OMN community,
I'm happy to announce that my book
"On the Physiology of Voice Production in South-Siberian Throat Singing – Analysis of Acoustic and Electrophysiological Evidences" is out now.
It took me really a long while . I actually started working on it in 2000 as my PhD project. Then of course - as many of you perhaps also know - there came other jobs, duties, projects. And finally I had to rush since in order to get a particular job I needed to finish and submit. This was in May 2005. And then after defense and other projects I finally thought about turning it into a real book, rather than publishing online. The formating along the way took me almost another year. Now it's done. I'm happy about this fact but not too much about the book itself. There are still a lot of things remaining which should have gone into it.
So please don't be too disappointed.
Many thanks also to Wolfgang: he pointed out to me that the book is also available at But you could also order it via the publisher
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