Thanks for the welcome. I am a believer in the healing power of Harmony. For the past 15 years I have experimented with engineering harmonic overtones in order to alter consciousness and effect healing. I invite you to sample these "Harmonics for Health" - I experience this music as a 'theo-active' adventure.
Hi Raffaele,
I'm in Milan for a few more days and Jens suggested I contact you - possibly for a short get together though I'm leaving on Monday. I'm at the euro hotel Ph 39-03960441.
Very nice music!
I love this old music.
last march i was in Siracusa, this was great. we made some small overtone-films in this "new" big cathedral, its a very very impressive sound there.great.
greetings from munic!
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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"You are a harmonically unique vibrational signature of the Divine - a chord in the cosmic Harmony."
I'm in Milan for a few more days and Jens suggested I contact you - possibly for a short get together though I'm leaving on Monday. I'm at the euro hotel Ph 39-03960441.
Cheers, Dean
I love this old music.
last march i was in Siracusa, this was great. we made some small overtone-films in this "new" big cathedral, its a very very impressive sound there.great.
greetings from munic!
Thanx a lot for your very very nice comment!!
We are so happy, that you like our Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk,that much!!
Greetings from Berlin!!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
Thanx a lot for your friendship,here!!
Your music is really wonderful!!
Hope you still like our Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk,too!!
Greetings from Berlin!!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
welcome on OMN. If you have any questions you can contact Marco Tonini or me. We both are admins here. If you have any issuses send us a report.
All the best,
I tuoi brani su myspace sono FANTASTICI!!
benvenuto su OMN!
Per qualsiasi informazione puoi contattare me o Jens Mugge.
A presto.
P.S. ma il tuo sito funziona?