I am a musicians and music therapist. I teach diphonic singing from 1999 in the association Arte, Cura e Trasformazione in Turin, Italy: http://www.artecuratrasformazione.net
Was released on cd by Alberto Ezzu Lux Vocal Ensemble "Il Fuoco del 6° Armonico sulla Luce della Dominante partendo dalla Madre Fondamentale - con in mente Zarathustra" for the label Hic Sunt Leones.
As a band we are:
Since its birth in 2001, within the Ensemble, there have been various artists, including singers Alberto Guccione, Rosella Lancina, Rosalba Guastella, Franca Mondino, Luca Marco Risi, Garri, Massimo Amelio, Gabriella Dario, Giuseppe Visca, Mario Gilio, musicologist and conductor Marco Buccolo, violist da gamba Raffaella Gottardelli, lutist Guido Montegrandi, oboist Pietro Paolo Marino, cellist Antonio Canino and percussionist Lucio Molinari.
In the compositions of the ensemble in addition to the difonich voices are used electronic tools, mediaeval, indian, classical and ethnic instruments as:
synphonia, harmonium, micanon, tamboura, sitar, electric guitar and synthesizer.
La Monte Young; electronic music; classic, popular and electronic drone music, drone music; indian dhrupad; Medieval and Renaissance music; Luigi Nono; highlights include the Third Ear Band groups, Popol Vuh and first Tangerine Dream.
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