a common space & database for harmonic overtones
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Featured Discussions |
432 tuning forkOn a facebook group we are debating about thia question (search IL diapason... "LA" a 432hz): there is a theory (Ananda Bosman and others)… Started by Marco Tonini in InstrumentsLatest Reply |
MicrophoneI can´t understand how silent is this forum.... Well, anyway. I have a cheap wireless headset but I am not satisfied to the sound. Yes, I… Started by Sauli Heikkilä in InstrumentsLatest Reply |
Discussions | Replies | Latest Activity |
Editing some older Overtone Jamsessions...The long duration of Covid19 , gave me time to edit some of our earlier Jamsessions Recordings. Here is a sample attached 4m47s). MayBe I… Started by Norbert Esch in Musicians & Bands |
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Apr 12, 2023 Reply by Norbert Esch |
Timbral MusicThe emphasis of this group on the recognition that timbre - specifically vocal timbre, but other timbres as well - can be filtered naturall… Started by Henry Lowengard in Instruments |
0 | Jul 19, 2022 |
Logaritmic scaleI should have a presentation about overtones on monday and I have been looking for a good explanation why is overtone scale logaritmic. I h… Started by Sauli Heikkilä in Musicians & Bands |
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Dec 5, 2019 Reply by Aindrias Hirt |
searching for overtone singers in Frankfurt am Main & OffenbachHi, I am looking for overtone singers, in Frankfurt am Main & Offenbach, for a weekly wednesday Overtone-Jamsession-meeting! If interes… Started by Norbert Esch in Musicians & Bands |
0 | Jul 25, 2018 |
African Thumb Piano TuningIn Afro-American Folksongs, published in 1913, ,Henry E. Krehbiel describes an African instrument called a zanze as follows: "The zanze is… Started by James Robert Hester in Instruments |
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Jun 2, 2018 Reply by James Robert Hester |
Learn to play overtone flutes Fujara and Koncovka in AmericaYou have seen fujara pictures, you’ve heard it’s voice, maybe you even have a fujara or koncovka already at home, now is the time you find… Started by Bob Rychlik in Instruments |
0 | Jan 11, 2018 |
Khoomei / overtone singing guide on iBooksHi all, My Khoomei / Throat singing tuition guide is now live on iBooks store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1306698949 Started by Jonathan Cope in Media News |
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Dec 12, 2017 Reply by Jens Mügge |
Addendum to "The Devolution of the Shepherd Trumpet and Its Seminal Importance in Muisc HistoryHere's the complicated addendum. It shows how bagpipes, natural trumpets, and the diatonic scale combined in what's called the "Choral Key"… Started by Aindrias Hirt in General Topics |
0 | Jun 1, 2017 |
THE DEVOLUTION OF THE SHEPHERD TRUMPET AND ITS SEMINAL IMPORTANCE IN MUSIC HISTORYHere's the article online that explains that all old folk tunes come from the natural scale. I didn't post it, and you have to dodge the ad… Started by Aindrias Hirt in General Topics |
0 | Jun 1, 2017 |
WIR4 sucht neue AltistinWeitere Infos auf unserer Homepage: http://wir4.corakroetz.de/html/altistin_gesucht.html Wir freuen uns über Deine Bewerbung! Started by Cora Krötz in Pinboard |
0 | Apr 18, 2017 |
What's the best platform to sell digital overtone music and/or press CDs?Hi everyone, I am a singer and I have just completed 2 large soundscapes, all vocal, where overtones are a main ingredient. Now I am lookin… Started by Marc Drost in General Topics |
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Feb 5, 2017 Reply by Marc Drost |
Old English, French, and Gaelic songs played in the round were originally played on short natural trumpetsHey. I also found out that many English, French, Gaelic, etc. nursery rhymes were based on the natural scale. They were played in the round… Started by Aindrias Hirt in General Topics |
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Jan 26, 2017 Reply by Aindrias Hirt |
Best frequency range to measure Khomus fundamental pitch.Curious to learn if anyone else has a pre-existing opinion on this: I'm making a record currently with various khomus instruments that are… Started by Oscar South in General Topics |
0 | Jul 9, 2016 |
E-learning video coursesHi, I just relaunched my e-learning courses with lower prices: Didgeridoo, throat and overtone singing and jews harp playing. e-learning co… Started by Jonathan Cope in Media News |
0 | Jan 5, 2016 |
i need suggestionsHi to all the people,i have a problem : since 1997 i got asmatic bornchite, nowdays i am feeling better but still ia have a problem in sing… Started by Mario Marino in Pinboard |
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Oct 7, 2015 Reply by Leonoor |
Pure Harmonic improvised music - LondonHello, I am looking for anyone interested in getting together to experiment with pure harmonic improvised music? I started as an electric g… Started by Alistair Smith in General Topics |
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Sep 28, 2015 Reply by Alistair Smith |
Melodic Natural Scale PaperHello All, I just had a paper published that you might find interesting. I can't put up the short article because it's in copyright, but th… Started by Aindrias Hirt in General Topics |
0 | Feb 28, 2015 |
432 tuning forkOn a facebook group we are debating about thia question (search IL diapason... "LA" a 432hz): there is a theory (Ananda Bosman and others)… Started by Marco Tonini in Instruments |
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Apr 8, 2014 Reply by Skye Løfvander |
non overtone multiphonics...Wer weiß etwas zu dieser Gesangstechnik? Ideen? Fragen? Aufnahmen? Theorien?... http://www.david-stuetzel.de/did-she-just-sing-chords-lalah… Started by David Stuetzel in General Topics |
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Mar 13, 2014 Reply by David Stuetzel |
Open mouth overtonesIn this forum might be also a title ”Singing..." I could ask this direct from Rollin or Wolfgang but maybe somebody else is also interreste… Started by Sauli Heikkilä in General Topics |
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Jul 17, 2013 Reply by Marco Tonini |
crowd funding for us fringe overtone artistsGreetings lovers of music outside of the mainstream! Us overtone singers with something unique to offer the world are challenged by raising… Started by kiva simova in General Topics |
0 | Jun 22, 2013 |
Update - March 2013There is one good news: OMN has now a sponsor. That means that OMN is free and will be free. The provider of this network announced these d… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Mar 21, 2013 |
Workshops in FinlandHi I started 3 workshops this week. One evening workshop about khoomei, one about overtonesinging and one khoomei weekend workshop. It has… Started by Sauli Heikkilä in Pinboard |
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Apr 18, 2012 Reply by Jens Mügge |
Looking for reinforcements in the NetherlandsWe are "Boventoonensemble Diapason", a band that's based in the south of the Netherlands. There's only 3 of us and we would like to bring m… Started by Boventoonensemble Diapason in Inquiries & Requests - Wanted & Found |
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Mar 7, 2012 Reply by Marc Drost |
Jewish harp, dangerous for teeth?I broke my front tooth. Now I got new one. But I was thinking, that I probably can ever play xomus again. I broke my teeth by carrot, but a… Started by Sauli Heikkilä in Instruments |
7 | Feb 22, 2012 |
Sufi music and khoomei-I wonder why this beautifull site is so silent.... well, I haven´t been here too often - FB gives the information, but still. Shouldn´t we… Started by Sauli Heikkilä in Musicians & Bands |
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Dec 31, 2011 Reply by David Stuetzel |
Now Available: Copy an EventIf you don’t use Events, you will not care about this improvement. If you do use Events, you most certainly will! If you have similar even… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Sep 28, 2011 |
New: Profile Photo CroppingWe recently added a way for you to enhance your profile photo (or avatar) by cropping it. Your avatar is a window into your personality.… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Sep 9, 2011 |
Overtone flute constructionThere's no instrument with a more simple construction than the overtone flute. Just a tube, a blowhole or a fipple and a person doing the w… Started by D.B.Lolaq in Instruments |
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Aug 9, 2011 Reply by D.B.Lolaq |
Overtone fluteDoes anybody know a good site about physics of overtone flute? I measured frequences of first few notes with closed and open end and it see… Started by Sauli Heikkilä in Instruments |
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Aug 9, 2011 Reply by Sebastiaan De jonge |
No video and / or song uploadsBecause of the price increase by the social network provider of OMN called NING.com and as result of this discussion we have inform you th… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Jul 20, 2011 |
MicrophoneI can´t understand how silent is this forum.... Well, anyway. I have a cheap wireless headset but I am not satisfied to the sound. Yes, I… Started by Sauli Heikkilä in Instruments |
18 | Jul 8, 2011 |
Price Increase by the social network provider of OMNJust announced by Ning's CEO Jason Rosenthal, effective after July 20, 2011, Ning's Pro and Plus Subscription Plans will increase. That wi… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Jun 23, 2011 |
Links and publications concerning overtones and harmonic singingPlease share the best This is an invitation to list worthful information concerning harmonic singing, especially studies and researches ab… Started by Miroslav Grosser in General Topics |
8 | Jun 9, 2011 |
Groups: Add Pages, change privacy settings and moreGroups are about to get a whole lot better. We rolled out a slew of improvements to the Groups feature. First, groups creators and admin… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Jun 6, 2011 |
Known Issues!Issues we're working on: the music player does not display your personal page design setting. This issue was reported by a member and we… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | May 6, 2011 |
Supported Browsers - update 12th 2011Since last week youz can upgrade your Firefox version to 4.0 - if you like to use everything here proper, please notice this list. OMN supp… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Apr 12, 2011 |
CALLING OVERTONE SINGERSDear Overtone Singers around the world, You are invitated to submit excerpts of your overtone singing and BECOME PART OF HARMONIC HISTORY.… Started by Dean Frenkel in Collaboration |
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Mar 26, 2011 Reply by Iza Spaleniak |
Throatsinging in FinlandAs a reply to Hai´s request I write couple of lines about situation in Finland. Although I left Finnish Throatsinging Society, it is still… Started by Sauli Heikkilä in Musicians & Bands |
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Mar 25, 2011 Reply by Stacey |
New Feature: Network LikesTime to inform you about some application technical features. Network Likes First since last week you can add your favourite videos, photos… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Mar 22, 2011 |
The merits of different forms of throat singingI have been made aware that some believe 'western overtone singing' is inferior to traditional eastern throat singing. Indeed I personally… Started by Dean Frenkel in General Topics |
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Mar 8, 2011 Reply by David Stuetzel |
Can anyone recommend any electronic dance music with overtones in it?Can any one recommend any electronic dance music that has overtone singing, fujara, jaw harp or didgeridoo in it. I am looking for inspir… Started by Matt Reece in Pinboard |
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Mar 5, 2011 Reply by Steven Williams |
OPTIONS (Edit, Delete, etc.) now at the top left side in line to your profile nameYou've probably noticed maybe that your EDIT Options (Edit, Delete, etc.) for your various content were all over the place. For example, on… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Jan 8, 2011 |
Christian ZehnderHi ... I found a video on YouTube today of this artistic genius. You can read on his MySpace Music site that his "overtone technique is bas… Started by Jens Mügge in Musicians & Bands |
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Jan 7, 2011 Reply by Jens Mügge |
Gurdjieff- Meetings with Remarkable Men (overtone singing in film)I saw this film years ago (made in '79), and just saw it again now. I remembered the opening scene where a competition occurred including a… Started by kiva simova in General Topics |
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Jan 2, 2011 Reply by Martin Philippe |
New Text EditorWe have to We're excited announce an upgrade to one of the heaviest-used features on this Network: a buggy text editor The text editor. Ho… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Dec 12, 2010 |
Trio АЯ in Canada in 2011Trio АЯ are going to participate in Victoriaville and Ottawa in May 2011..we have to do some more gigs in Canada.Anyone planning gigs? АЯ … Started by Koichi Makigami in Inquiries & Requests - Wanted & Found |
0 | Nov 22, 2010 |
Interesting: China and Khoomeihttp://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?RL=00210 http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/khoomii/ Started by Steve Sklar in General Topics |
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Nov 18, 2010 Reply by Jens Mügge |
Yahoo sign-in enabledYou can sign in to your OMN account via Yahoo. If you use on both sites the same email address, please sign in to Yahoo and then sign in… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Nov 16, 2010 |
facebook sign-in app enabledWe enabled a new option to sign up or sign in to this network with a facebook login. OMN Sign-up and Sign-in app allows you to connect you… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Nov 13, 2010 |
Human Body FrequenciesMaybe it could be fun and challenging to map some of the frequency bands of the human body - both as an emitter of frequencies and a recei… Started by Skye Løfvander in General Topics |
1 | Sep 28, 2010 |
Hall of Fame?So... if there was a Throat-singing/Overtone singing Hall of Fame, who should be in it, and why? (I mean besides Arthur Miles) Started by Steve Sklar in General Topics |
23 | Sep 4, 2010 |
Add Blog Posts to OMN from 3rd-Party AppsOvertone Music Network provides now the MetaWeblog API . This new enhancement will allow us to compose and edit blog posts from popular 3r… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Aug 18, 2010 |
Ning social network site is going from freemium to paid-forNing's new chief executive has announced that the site is going to shed staff, stop its free service and concentrate on its premium users.… Started by Jens Mügge in Pinboard |
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Jun 7, 2010 Reply by Jens Mügge |
What's your benefit from Overtone Music Network?What's your benefit from OMN - Overtone Music Network? Please write with some less words why you are member of this network. Your feedback… Started by Jens Mügge in Pinboard |
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May 29, 2010 Reply by Jens Mügge |
News & Views About the Change on NingWhat's Changing — and When? The Latest News That's an overview of some important changes on Ning - the open social netzwork… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Apr 23, 2010 |
Licence by GEMAConcerning to my invite to various groups on Overtone Music Network I have to post now this thread just to explain what's happened behind… Started by Jens Mügge in Pinboard |
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Apr 22, 2010 Reply by Jens Mügge |
Missionary work in Tuva and Mongolia using overtone singingRecently I have been looking into missionary work in the Altai region in which "indigenous" music forms--like xoomi/overtone singing--are b… Started by Andrew Colwell in General Topics |
0 | Apr 12, 2010 |
Form in Overtone SingingThere has been few contemporary works for overtone singing that I know of. The works of David Hykes's Harmonic Choir, and Stockhausen S… Started by Michael Waller in General Topics |
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Mar 31, 2010 Reply by Michael Waller |
Bobby McFerrin hacks your brain with the pentatonic scaleThe Pentatonic scale works everywhere. Take a look at the fantastic Bobby McFerrrin and astonish! Started by Birgit Marita in Musicians & Bands |
0 | Mar 14, 2010 |
Tuvan Presentation in FinlandHere is a 3 minutes peek to Tuvan Presentation in Finland:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeEtKCUjDNE Sauli Started by Sauli Heikkilä in Event Reviews |
0 | Mar 5, 2010 |
CELEBRATING OUR STUDENTSTeachers of overtones will know that a large proportion of their students are people with extra-special qualities. With the exception of pe… Started by Dean Frenkel in General Topics |
0 | Mar 3, 2010 |
Introducing the Footer BarClick to enlarge on the screenshot You see above a screenshot of the start page of Overtone Music Network with some hints to the Footer Ba… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Feb 10, 2010 |
A better text editor, on Forum and Blog postsAdding and editing text on OMN is now hopefully easier. Previously, all text editors allowed members to add photos, add links and format t… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Feb 9, 2010 |
Differences between kargyraa and the technique of "deep voice" of Tibetan monksVery recently, send a question that I think is worth discussing and inquire about the difference between the kargyraa and the technique of… Started by Javier Nahum in General Topics |
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Feb 6, 2010 Reply by Jens Mügge |
WYSIWYG Editor to OMNWe're adding a WYSIWYG editor to the Forum feature, which will make it easier (hopefully) to format your discussions. This addition will… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Jan 20, 2010 |
Tweets from your update status box on your profile pageYou can post now from your Status Update Box at the top of your profile page tweets directly to twitter. We set up an own Twitter App whi… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Jan 20, 2010 |
Overtone Music Network featured on NingAs one of more than 1.6 million networks on the open social network provider Ning I am happy to announce that Overtone Music Network is fe… Started by OMN in Announcements |
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Jan 15, 2010 Reply by Ayla Roble |
New Overtone Singing Band from Chinahi all - wanted to introduce ourselves - we are an Inner Mongolian band, based in Beijing. We're going to be touring Europe in September +… Started by Hanggai in Musicians & Bands |
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Dec 31, 2009 Reply by Yolaine Dumesnil |
Learn how to use the basic features of OMNMaybe with this short video clip you can learn how to use basic features of this network. It shows you how to use it and is taken from C… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Nov 29, 2009 |
Harmonics for Health™ - Free Downloadshttp://www.hgmoses.com/CDs_Downloads/Free_Music.html This player features some of my Harmonic Drone™ recordings. Here you will find the 7… Started by Harold Grandstaff Moses in Media News |
0 | Nov 19, 2009 |
Improved email notifications are online!The admins of this network can feature your profile or - what we are doing from time to time - artworks, blog posts, discussions, songs an… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Nov 11, 2009 |
Designer WantedI opened last night a free Spreadshirt Store as a part of Fundraising to keep this network running. Now I am asking you artists if you hav… Started by Jens Mügge in Collaboration |
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Oct 26, 2009 Reply by Jens Mügge |
OMN Compilations - RULESThere is a new project to realize, using members audio tracks, a set of more OMN Audio Compilations divided into different sections (jew's… Started by Marco Tonini in Netlabel Projects |
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Oct 13, 2009 Reply by Marco Tonini |
LissabonHi Is there any throat- or overtonesingers in Lissabon? I am going to spend next week untill Friday there. Send a message to saul@sci.fi,… Started by Sauli Heikkilä in Inquiries & Requests - Wanted & Found |
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Oct 11, 2009 Reply by Jens Mügge |
About Social BookmarkingSocial bookmarking is a method for Internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the Internet with the h… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Sep 30, 2009 |
How to combine a new status message and a link in your status boxI have written here about the new status box. This status box has two options. One option is to type a status message. The other allows yo… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Sep 26, 2009 |
The "Invite all friends" feature is retired now!One feature of this social network provider is now retiring. It is the "Invite All Friends" feature which was used to invite friends acros… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Sep 18, 2009 |
Obertontage in Dresden 2009I am not able to translate my festival review into English but if you want to see some photos and videos you can click to read my review wi… Started by Jens Mügge in Event Reviews |
0 | Sep 15, 2009 |
What is overtune?In every tune, every clap even in every noise exists the whole universe of tunes. Our mind and ears are used to select tunes from what we h… Started by Wolfgang von Boyen in General Topics |
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Sep 11, 2009 Reply by Jens Mügge |
Status Updates now aliveYou see now a status box at the top of your Profile page. This is the place to share an exciting announcement or post a link to an upcomin… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Sep 9, 2009 |
StimmungPlease, I'm looking for news about old performances about Stimmung - Stockhausen. If you were a performer on Stimmung, or a researcher abou… Started by Marco Tonini in Collaboration |
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Sep 6, 2009 Reply by Wolfgang Saus |
New Default of Members Profile PagesAs I have written here you have some options to change the layout of your my page. I am not a programmer so I have to use the software of… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Sep 2, 2009 |
First Presentation VideoBernd Michael Sommer gave me the permission for his piece Chapel to create the first presentation video and to add this video (with his pi… Started by Jens Mügge in Collaboration |
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Aug 27, 2009 Reply by Jens Mügge |
Oberton Festival in Bad Essen near BarkhausenHi ... it was just like a day in paradies to be at the Overtone Festival in Bad Essen near Barkhausen. Thanks a lot to Family Sellenriek to… Started by Jens Mügge in Event Reviews |
0 | Aug 9, 2009 |
Roaring Hooves Festival in MongoliaThese movietrailers are not really new - they are from 2005 but I found them just now and I enjoy the impressions: "Roaring Hooves" and "T… Started by Jens Mügge in Media News |
0 | Aug 3, 2009 |
www.overtone.cc - a new domain addressSorry for all vexations in this case. If you added some widgets - music player, a photo slideshow to your blog or website please take five… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Jun 23, 2009 |
Advanced Search to find MembersYou can find members on this network using regular search, or you can drill down to more specific queries with Advanced Search. Head to th… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Jun 20, 2009 |
SitemapA Sitemap for Overtone Music Network is online since yesterday. Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Jun 19, 2009 |
ClassifiedsClassifieds are installed and open to use. Actually it is a free version by Livewired Since February their Music Jukebox Add On is running… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Jun 17, 2009 |
overtone.cc presented on kulturportal.deOvertone Music Network is now presented as an organisation on kulturportal.de - it is more than only a link from the website of Kulturport… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Jun 11, 2009 |
Change the layout of your profile pageYou can move features around your profile page to personalize your space. To do so, click on "My Page". Then put your mouse on the title b… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | May 29, 2009 |
David Hykes concept of Harmonic ChantThe Harmonic Awareness work of David Hykes includes a wondrous »music of the spheres« called Harmonic Chant, as well as practices and insi… Started by Jens Mügge in Musicians & Bands |
0 | May 12, 2009 |
Cantare la Voce - The life and times of Demetrio StratosDemetrio Stratos was born in Alexandria, Egypt on 22 April 1945. In 1962, he moved to Italy, where he enrolled in the Architecture Facult… Started by Jens Mügge in Musicians & Bands |
0 | May 12, 2009 |
New piece: InvocationThis piece combines Quranic recitation and Tibetan Buddhist chant, and processes them with time-streching and spectral smoothing. I hope yo… Started by Dave Seidel in Musicians & Bands |
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May 12, 2009 Reply by Dave Seidel |
Want to protect your email from spam?Want to protect your email from spam? Try reCAPTCHA Mailhide. It's free. I am using it now for the email contact address of this site. I c… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Apr 28, 2009 |
CompositonThis site includes a little program to compose. It's fun to play with it. http://lab.andre-michelle.com/tonematrix Heartful wishes Birgit… Started by Birgit Marita in General Topics |
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Apr 27, 2009 Reply by Marco Tonini |
color of the icons in the latest activity serviceOn the customization page of your THEME you have the possibility to choose your own color for the ICONS on your page. This ALL OPTIONS f… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Apr 24, 2009 |
Safety SettingsThe admins of Overtone Music Network have to protect this network and have complete control over the privacy settings, content and members… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Apr 10, 2009 |
MP3 ID TagsGetting your MP3 ID tags right is very important. Sooner or later your music isn't going to get dropped on somebody's lap top that has no c… Started by OMN in Announcements |
0 | Apr 9, 2009 |
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