Borg Diem Groeneveld is overtone singer, sings improvisations and is teacher on breath and voice therapy. He has a school for learning voice improvisation, working with groups on voice and becoming voice and breath-therapist )4 years part-time education'. He also works individually with students on breathing and voice.
He is fond of aikido.
Yes I am doing extremely well :)
Little did I realise,the first time I heard the gongs when you played in the yurt at La Bergerie,it was to be a life changing moment........
Now connected with amazing musicians in the Ariege,Midi Pyrenees.
Flute players,sitar and tabla players and another excellent (Dutch) overtonesinger.Life is good!
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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Alles goed?
R.I.P.The Gongman said…
Yes I am doing extremely well :)
Little did I realise,the first time I heard the gongs when you played in the yurt at La Bergerie,it was to be a life changing moment........
Now connected with amazing musicians in the Ariege,Midi Pyrenees.
Flute players,sitar and tabla players and another excellent (Dutch) overtonesinger.Life is good!
Nice to see you here and met you again
With a musically light- and hartgreeting.