Candida currently works as a
Chavutti Thirumal Massage Therapist, Overtone singer and
Tibetan Singing Bowl and Gong practitioner. With Michael she has performed for H.H. the Dalai Lama, The exiled prime minister of Tibet and last year (2002) toured Europe with her Mongolian Khöömii Teacher, Tserendaava. Candida is presently developing soundtransformations workshops with Michael Ormiston. She uses healing sounds both in individual sessions as well as in concerts around the U.K and in Europe. Candida sings traditional songs, chants and mantras from various traditions as a way of expressing and acknowledging journeys that both externally and internally resonate with the eternal now. Her solo CD »Life After Life« is available during workshops and concerts.
Candida Valentino originally trained and worked as a visual artist and costume designer for dance and opera. She then had her own sound transformation in 1991 and started working with toning, overtoning and voice work as a tool for healing. She went on to train with Chris James and completed »The Power of Sound Teacher Training« in 1999. She has for the last three years played with Don Conreaux and his Mysterious Tremendum Ensemble, and has also attended Raga singing workshops with Gilles Petit. Candida went on to study Mongolian Khöömii singing with Michael Ormiston. She travelled to Mongolia with him in 2000 to meet his teacher Tserendavaa and has now been blessed to teach Khöömii.
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Hi from Spain!
I sing with "MuOM, Barcelona Overtone Singing Choir" & we visit London & Wales at the end of this month! It'd be a genuine blessing for the group if you are able to attend an event or share the info with some of your contacts, if you feel inspired to do so.
Thank you & enjoy your week!
"MuOM, Barcelona Overtone Singing Choir" in concert:
Friday July 25th - 8:30pm
St. Peter’s Vauxhall Church
(amazing acoustics!)
Vauxhall Station
£10 online now / £13 door:
Saturday July 26th - 8:00pm
St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Peace & Reconciliation
("Listen to the World Concert Series")
Liverpool Street Station
£12 - please book online:
Sunday, July 27th - doors open 7:30pm
Llangollen Fringe Festival, Wales (closing concert)
(in the ruins of a spectacular abbey)
£7.50 - please book online:
Facebook event page for all 3 concerts:
(your click on "going" genuinely helps :)
video clips:
(new, short clip)
dear candida,
thank you for your friendship in this omn-space. i wish you all the best.
with swinging regards
thanks for your impressing music and thank you so much for the add request! welcome to my circle of friends!
please visit as well:
best wishes,
greetings from munic!
Best regards Omid
We wish you & your family a happy, healthy, fruit- & successful
New Year of the Earth Cow!!
May all your wishes & plans come true in this year of butter & cream!!
Shagaa Bile!!
Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk Greetings from Berlin!!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
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