With classical music education in singing, he has also studied Naad yoga.
He learned different styles of singing Khoomei in Tuva (Republic of Russia, Siberia). During his stay he had several teachers, including Igor Koshkendey member of Chirgilchin. He also attended the International Symposium Khoomei in 2008. He returned to Tuva in 2012 and appeared in a singing competition Khoomei at the Dembeldei festival held in the capital of Tuva (Kyzyl), which was awarded by the jury. He also was at the competition of the 6th Internacional Symposium of Khoomei held in Kyzyl, the capital of Tuva, in June 2013.
He can sing Kargyraa, Khoomei, Sygyt, Borbangnadyr, Ezengileer, Dumchuk and other sub-styles including Tibetan singing deep (dbyang style).
He gives occasional workshops and Khoomei overtone singing in different localities of Spain, and regulars classes of harmonic chant in choir.
Currently gives concerts with her choral group and make collaborations with different musicians and art projects.
Amarok, disco group "Midnight Sun" collaboration with guttural voices.
Ravi Ramoneda. One Step to Devotion. collaboration
Andapindam. Cd-mandalas with video of the coral MuOM The Harmonic Ensemble.
Mu- MuOM Barcelona overtone singing choir's New album
chamber choir of overtone singers. His inspired creations arise from the need to explore the worlds of voice and promote sound cosmic harmonies where attendees penetrate and surround sound. The textures come from the overlap of the notes and their harmonics and inter-connection to become a journey, a transforming experience.
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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Moin + buenos dias - gracias por conectar. Me gusta oir tu coro esta manana.
It is really interessting, what you do!
Hope you like our Khoomei Throatsinging Folk Rock,too!
Greetings from Berlin!
Arjopa & The Master U-like