Mantra for the divine | Maha Mantra by Katja
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare performed by KatjaMaha Mantra, also called Hare Krishna Man...
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Added by Frank Perry
Added by Frank Perry
Added by Frank Perry
Overtone Music Network
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I've just seen your photos. Very interesting your Instruments.
Best regards
We just finished a new CD this year Chintamani Precious Jewel.
Hope you are well
I think you can put a lot of music up on this site. I have put up most of the tracks from three CDs on my page.
Best Wishes, Paul T.
As regards the recording we did together neither Ravi, Nikki or I have done a pressing. What I have done is make a few home copies and Ravi has had some of them. They have only gone out as give aways and occassionally sold at gigs as we agreed. What I remember from our agreement was that it was a partnership in that we would all get a copy and do what we like with it in terms of selling at gigs and giving away. Then, if any of us was to get a commercial deal for publishing or distribution with a music company then those proceeds would be split five ways. I hope this is how you had understood it.
So, as it stands now there is no commercial pressing, no CD number or cataloguing. I put the album on my web site and offer it for sale but my site is essentially my teaching and therapy site so it does not attract music sales at all. I have all the tracks just for listening on the OMN site. They cannot be downloaded. I still feel we made rather a good job of it and there is some interesting music there.
Do you still have your copy? You can always publish yourself and put it in your catalogue. If you don't have a copy I can send you one. Let me know. Best Wishes, Paul T.
I noticed on the Gaunt's House film that you have put up on You Tube that we get mentioned as ...some other musicians. You perhaps forgot our names...Justin 'Ravi' Freeman, Nikki Williams and myself, Paul Terrell.
The Overtone Choir version two has gone through its own transformations and this spring Ravi and I are out touring with the fabulous Mike Ormiston and Candida Valentino calling ourselves the Overtone Ensemble.
I did some work recently with an acquaintance of yours, Howard Moody. What a fabulous guy.
I admire your productivity and persistence. Best Wishes, Paul Terrell.
Thanx a lot for your friendship,here!!
Your music & your OMN site are really great!!
Hope you like our Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk,too!!
Greetings from Berlin!!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
Wonderful to see you here! I will listen to the piece on your myspace site later today. I have one of your CDs and I absolutely LOVE it! Thank you for the friendship -
i have studied for a couple of years the Dhrupad Nada Yoga tradition thru Shanti Maffey
i love to hear & feel your sounds :))
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