a common space & database for harmonic overtones
The image is a screenshot. To go to the timeline: Click the link below!
Overtone singing is not only about producing sounds but more essentially to understand and develope a universal language!
I am working on the creation of a timeline presentation of the pioneers of harmonic sciences. So far it only consists of men from Europe and USA from Boethius onwards.
I have more names, specially from renaissance and antiquity, in my notebook.
But if you would like to nominate harmonic scientists for the timeline presentation, please don't hesitate to send your proposals! That would be an inspiration!
You may find the preliminary timeline on this link!
Practical tips:
- Use the display expander (below left)
- Use the period zoom (below right)
- By clicking names or windows inside the timeline contant will appear in the lower left area of the page: Links, images, videos etc.
This content has been seen 151 times
Thanks a lot, Skye, for all your interesting blog posts!
Thanks for your cheering!
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