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Old European Christmas Carols & Music for the quiet season
As the days grow shorter and the world gets colder we long for warmth and comfort. It’s a time for contemplation and silence. Long before the advent of Christianity many ancient cultures around the globe commemorated this time when the sun is at it’s lowest and the earth is closest to death. For without the sun there is no life on earth...
Winter solstice marks the rebirth of light, expressed through the lengthening of days. Ancient Rome celebrated the Saturnalia. Pre–Christian northern and western Europe had it’s Yultide. For Christians Jesus himself is the incarnation of god s eternal light, born in the darkest night as the light of the world.
Following these traditions Bernhard Mikuskovics & Georg Baum perform old European Christmas carols in a new and exquisite way with the touching sounds of vocals, overtone singing, classical & celtic harp, jew’s harp, horn pipe, guitar, overtone harp & sruti box
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