a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Meïkhâneh records its new album in August and September 2021
Chants du dehors, chants du dedans -"Songs from the Outside, Songs from the Inside"
To be released in January 2022 on the Buda Musique label
Available in mid-December 2021 for crowdfunders only
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The Songs from the Outside and the Songs from the Inside echo what sings within us, whether we keep inside or share; what comes from us or what comes from elsewhere. These are the songs of introspection, songs of comfort, of invention and of dreaming. The need for inside when you're outside. They also evoke the call of space, the need to see the horizon, to breathe air and to feel the elements. The call of travel. The momentum towards the distance and towards others. In praise of nature. The need for the outside when you are inside.
Meïkhâneh is composed of Maria Laurent (vocals, banjo, tovshuur lute, transverse flute), Johanni Curtet (Mongolian overtone and throat singing, guitar, dombra lute, morin khuur fiddle), Milad Pasta (vocals, percussions).
Two guest musicians on bowed strings (viola and double bass) will add their colors to the arrangements: Dylan James on the doublebass and Pauline Willerval on the gadulka fiddle.
The recording and mixing are with the American sound engineer Bob Coke (Ben Harper, Souad Massi, Mukta, Daby Touré, Moriarty, Bashung, Noir Désir, JL Aubert, Jeff Beck, etc.) at Studio du Faune in Montauban-de-Bretagne (Fr).
Although the album will be released on a label, the entire artistic part (creation, recording, mixing) is produced by our organization, Association Cas Particuliers.
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Here is one video from the studio session:
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