a common space & database for harmonic overtones
It's not overtone singing, but I love this piece. It is an important part of my musical background and it gives light on who we are, how we developed our society. I stood in for somebody at short notice, joint the rehearsal today. I don't know how often I performed J.S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion in the last 30 years, 30 - 40 times? As highlights I remember the Israel tour with Seeliger (where our bus was attacked and I later faced a bomb attack without injuries), Paris with Helmut Rilling (Tenor Peter Schreier), Spain tour and Canarian Islands with Peter Neumann (Tenor Christoph Prégardien, first class hotels, getting up at 5 a.m. to catch the next flights), Venice Theatre Mendelssohns romantic version (we went through the Venice night and experienced the most amazing marine phosphorescence on the Lido), all back in the 80's.
I know every note by heart. And still this unbelievable piece of magic astonishes me. How could someone have written such modern music 300 years ago? Almost jazz, until today deeply touching? No wonders that it was played again only in the Romanticism, constant and since this. Also fascinating how my spiritual attitude has changed to the text over the years. Never the less this music went deeply into my heart and still gives me goose pimples of joy.
If you have the chance to visit a concert, go and listen to Bach's St Matthew Passion. It's easy to find performances in the next few days. Those who want to listen our performances have to travel the Netherlands www.studiumchorale.nl.
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