Mantra for the divine | Maha Mantra by Katja
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare performed by KatjaMaha Mantra, also called Hare Krishna Man...
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
I met David last year in Prague at the Overtone Festival in Prague. I can't describe all impressions here but this harmonic meeting was really stunning. David gaves us his teachings about harmonic presence and awareness and since last year I am checking out his website to be informed about his schedule. I'm writing this blog post to let you know about the activities this summer of David Hykes, whose Harmonic Presence Foundation has been developing the integral overtone music system called Harmonic Chant since 1975, the year he found The Harmonic Choir in New York. This contemporary sacred sound lineage represents a comprehensive experience of both western and eastern approaches to sound, contemplative music, and healing sounds which has benefitted by David's 34 years of experience studying traditions of mind, music, meditation and the medicine of healing harmonization. His first album, "Hearing Solar Winds," is the best-selling vocal overtone album of all time. Harmonic Chant is a comprehensive musical system based on "The Twelve Levels," encompassing all aspects of melody, harmony, rhythm and harmonic musical consciousness. Here are the dates: Starting with a concert and workshop in Paris on June 21th 2009 David Hykes' next harmonic awareness retreat will be held in France from July 1-7th 2009 - Informations are here >>> available in English also >>> in Italian - and of course >>> in French. David Hykes' other events are the 10th annual harmonic presence in Denmark - from August 15th to 21st in France Harmonic Awareness Retreat and from September 20th to September 25th in the United States in Esalen |
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