Hi Ninjin, I am busy with so much internet stuff because the provider of this network releases one new improvement after another that i have to read and try to understand all these changes. And in the last time and took part at two festival - first I gave a workshop in Dan Moi and then I was helper at Dan Moi's Ancient Trance Festival - nice life. So and you are back in Guatemala. I like this country since i heard from it in the 80th of the last century. Hope you are fine ... all the best to you ... and I was and I am really lucky that I met you in UB. Bye, Jens
... who ever you are, sometimes it is the best way to be anonymous in the world wide web. But thanks a lot for your blog posts. Your work is mentioned by Tran Quang Hai and me too it is really a profund work ... thanks for that and welcome here!
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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Ta buhend uralgiin undur amjilt husie.
Sedaa hamtalgiin hamt olon.
... who ever you are, sometimes it is the best way to be anonymous in the world wide web. But thanks a lot for your blog posts. Your work is mentioned by Tran Quang Hai and me too it is really a profund work ... thanks for that and welcome here!