Well, I don't know when you are here, but even then, I'm not entirely sure what's going on in this town! But if you feel like a beer or coffee I'd be glad to meet up:-)
Thank you for your comment about the CD Shaman Voice. It touches my heart, to hear that you listen to it often. I also enjoy your music. Great sound! Happy, peaceful days for your mother!
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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Be well,
R.I.P.Tran Quang Hai said…
Merci pour le son de cloche
tran quang hai
à +
dear Nicolas,
thanks a lot for your comment and your Yogi Connections.
You are always welcome to participate at our online yoga community
Om Shanti,

Connecting worldwide!Thanx for your OMN friendshipp & your comment!
You are doing a real good job!
We are so happy, that you like our Khoomei Throatsinging Folk Rock,that much!
Greetings from Berlin!
Arjopa & The ;Master U-like
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