Dear Alexander how are you? I wrote you a couple of days ago about our festival and wondering if you may find interest in this . Anyway I'd like to be in contact since I am a throat singer too, if I can call myself :) I am sending you link to little piece I have recorded a couple of days ago of Kirgira singing well, I'd like to hear from you
Best regards
Hi Alexander my name is Yoram Sivan and I am a Didgeridoo maker, player and teacher. I run a Didgeridoo center that promotes and developes the scene and knowledge around this instrument in my country. I also sing ovetones for many years. This summer , on September 5-7 will take place the 9th Didgeridoo and overtones festival which I am the organizer and Artistic manager of. I came across your videos and was knocked down :) . . never heard any westerner who throat sings so well as you do. We had guests already as Hosoo from TransMongolia and overtone singers as Wolfgang Saus from Germany. So I am starting this connection with you to see if you would like to be our guest and anyway, myself I am a Kirgira lover (I sing it at least half of my waking hours :) ).. so , I am looking forward to hear from you, please visit my/our pages:
Best regards, Yoram
good that I checked my Google Alerts subscribed for overtone singing that I found your throatsinging videos on some different pages. Great that you followed my invitation. You are welcome!
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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Dear Alexander how are you? I wrote you a couple of days ago about our festival and wondering if you may find interest in this . Anyway I'd like to be in contact since I am a throat singer too, if I can call myself :)
I am sending you link to little piece I have recorded a couple of days ago of Kirgira singing
well, I'd like to hear from you
Best regards
Hi Alexander
my name is Yoram Sivan and I am a Didgeridoo maker, player and teacher. I run a Didgeridoo center that promotes and developes the scene and knowledge around this instrument in my country. I also sing ovetones for many years. This summer , on September 5-7 will take place the 9th Didgeridoo and overtones festival which I am the organizer and Artistic manager of. I came across your videos and was knocked down :) . . never heard any westerner who throat sings so well as you do. We had guests already as Hosoo from TransMongolia and overtone singers as Wolfgang Saus from Germany. So I am starting this connection with you to see if you would like to be our guest and anyway, myself I am a Kirgira lover (I sing it at least half of my waking hours :) )..
so , I am looking forward to hear from you, please visit my/our pages:
Best regards, Yoram
thank you so much for sharing your videos!
Would you be interested in doing a skype lesson with me? I am interested in getting some of your insights/techniques.
thank Alex, all the best,
thanks for adding me, very good your throat singing!!
Thanx a lot for your OMN friendship!
Your music is wonderful!
Hope you like our Khoomei Throatsinging Folk Rock,too!
Greetings from Berlin!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
good that I checked my Google Alerts subscribed for overtone singing that I found your throatsinging videos on some different pages. Great that you followed my invitation. You are welcome!
All the best,