Töne aus der Unterwelt, Tönerkreis München
Am 28. November diesen Jahres (2024) begab sich der Tönerkreis München am Nordfriedhof hinunter in die historische Kanalwelt der bayerischen Metropole. Organ...
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
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thank you for the information. I would very much like to come, it's only the 500 km that deter me from that.
you might like to come to the concert with Christian Zehnder (Stimmhorn) & his latest ensemble "Kraah" , which I will be organsing this coming Friday here in Munich. Also we are doing another overtone event in December here with Wolfgang Saus & friends. Further info & contact you'll find on my new site on this forum or under www.klangderstille.com.
Best wishes Stephanie
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schön, dass du den Weg ins Netzgefunden hast! Bis bald mal. Obertonreiche Grüße Barbara