In my opinion we are in difficulty to divide hearing/listening from sight. They can be complementary, but...
Now I think to enter in an unknown place with closed eyes, so I see nothing. Then I sing and I listen a great reverberation, beautiful, and I fell me very well, in a good condition, this can be a great church, I think, with beautiful pictures and arches, my voice is good.
I am sure, if I open my eyes and I understand to be not in a beautiful church but in a dirty and filthy cellar, my condition and my feelings change themselves.
My magic places are three: my bathroom, my car and any closed place with medium reverberation.
I must sing with closed eyes to feel better my sensations.
I need a bathroom or a car for my technical exercises because I can obtain a good acoustic feedback.
For me an open space is no good.
Our sensations are obtained by the fusion of our 5 (6) senses and our capability to listen to our inner body/mind.
I use my ovetone singing to feel my soul, but I must hear the sound with my ears, I need sound feedback.
For me an open or closed place full of energy is useful to reload my mind; it become useless for my overtone singing aim if it is an open space.
I need a feedback.
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