a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Verfolgt man die Bestrebungen der globalen Welt über die totale Überwachung und Kontrolle, weg von der Demokratie hin zu einer diktatorischen Weltherrschaft,...
This content has been seen 114 times
If you look at the global developments of total control away from democracy to a global diktatorship,...
I am cold I am frizing
What had happend? what had happend?
Did we take to much risk?
Unable, unable for any fealings
blunt , brittle and hardend is my mind
What had happend? What had happend
everything was fine
No matter if pros and cons
if under the dog or still with quality
What had happend? what had happend?
kiddend from everyone
it feal like being dictated from the top
It doesßt matter what torments you
Only the quote is important
no matter if somrboby dies
aslong as everybody gets hyperdigitalized.
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