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"Freude schöner Götterfunken" (Ode to Joy) in overtone singing style by Wolfgang Saus.

More information: https://www.oberton.org

What you see in this amazing dynamic MRI (MRT) is the tongue movement building up double resonances along the melody line of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy". Overtone singing is based on bringing together the second and third resonance frequency of the vocal trakt (also referred to as "formants") on one frequency to enhance the loudness of a single overtone in the vocal sound spectrum. The second formant is controlled by the root of the tongue together with the epiglottis. The third formant is ruled by the space under the tongue, which is bigger than it seems in the video. Overtone singing is a constantly fine adjustment of the two resonance cavities.

It's not easy to record (and sing) sound in the very noisy environment of a MRT (MRI). The team in Freiburg developed highly specialized equipment for recording and filtering. Nevertheless, the sound is of course not HiFi.

MRT footage with kind permission and many thanks to:
University Medical Center Freiburg
Medical Physics Dept. of Radiology &
Institut for Musicians’ Medicine
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Richter
Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Hennig
Prof. Dr. Matthias Echternach

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Comment by bernard dubreuil on June 3, 2016 at 7:17pm

Thanks, Wolfgang ! Great images!
Are you now planning to conduct MRI sessions while singing undertones, the Tibetan or the Karguiraa way?
I'd love to see what an MRI trace of that double oscillation phenomenon looks like.
All I have at this point is video stroboscopic movie of Umdzey Ngwan Tashi from Drepung Loseling ... and the images are unfortunately a little blurred.

Comment by Wolfgang Saus on June 3, 2016 at 8:18pm

Thanks for your comment, Bernard! The MRI films with 24 pic/sec. And you see the resolution. Both is not enough to see special effects of Strohbass or Kargyraa. Both undertone techniques only change sound production in the voice box, while the tongue movement controlls the resonance only. So you would see the resonance effect only, which is independent from the sound production.
So, no, I am not planning to do this MRI.
But I made an endoscopy video of the two techniques. I'll post it.

Comment by Wolfgang Saus on June 3, 2016 at 8:32pm

Just posted my endoscopic kargyraa video. You should compare Steve Sklar's kargyraa video, he has much better kargyraa than me.


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