Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Kalabalik - Overtone Singing in the Hagia Sophia Cathedral

Excerpt from the cd Subtle Summit with two vocal styles: dhrupad (classical indian) presented by Ashish Sankrityayan and overtone singing by Skye Lofvander. See photos of the duo at 06:40 and 08:30.
The Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul stands as a monument to the Byzantine era. After having functioned for a period as a mosque it is now a museum... and still an acoustic temple..
The sound recordings on this video were made in an auralization developed by the Danish Odeon company.
At 03:56 is a photo of Odeons team of sound engineers with their equipment taking samples from the cathedral, second from right is Claus Lynge Christensen who took care of the recordings. It is followed at 04:30 by a photo of the anechoic chamber at the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, near Copenhagen, where the actual recordings of the two vocal soloists were made. It is one of the largest and most advanced of its kind. The following three images from 05:00 are captures from the programme where the listener may take different positions in the acoustic space.

Please don't mistake the sound of neither this video nor the mp3 file uploaded to my profile for the real thing! Listening music like this should be played on a proper hifi from a high quality source. So buy the cd for the full experience!

Subtle Voices: Subtle Summit
Dhrupad and overtone singing in the digitally simulated acoustics of the Sokullu Mosque and the Hagia Sophia Cathedral.
Recorded in the Anechoic Studio, the Technical University of Denmark, 2007-08. Odeon A/S, http://www.odeon.dk
Published by http://www.anjaliarts.de
Recording and reverb: Claus Lynge Christensen
Editing and mastering: Ashish Sankrityayan
Photos: Kim Westergaard and Mads Black Ifversen
Duo Home Page: http://www.subtlevoices.dk
Distribution: http://www.cdbaby.com
More about Skye Lofvander (in danish!) at http://www.detspringendepunkt.net

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