a common space & database for harmonic overtones
About me: - I studied The Conservatory of Jaroslav Ježek (CJJ) in Prague, subject pop-singing
- Since 2006 – many courses focused on the voice training and overtone singing (e.g. courses of Chris Amrhein and Wolfgang Saus – Germany; Hosoo TransMongolia; Ivana Vostárková – Czech Republic; David Hykes – USA; courses of the voice-schol Complete Vocal Technique – Cathrine Sadolin, Denmark)
- Singing in many choirs and bands playing the dance music. As a child taking part in many singing competitions in Czech Republic; later also in the Czech TV competitions.
1999 - 2000 – Russian rock opera Juno and Avos, project of the CJJ (performed in the theatre in Prague) - I was the alternance of the female main role (Conchita), also taking part in the company
2003 - 06 – member of the overtone group Tashi Deley, Prague
2003 - 04 – cooperating with the German overtone singer and multi-instrumentalist Chris Amrhein, taking part in the concerts in Germany with the German overtone group Urkraft
2004 (September) – member of organizing team of the 1. Overtone festival in Prague
2005 - I was in the TOP 12 of the popular TV competition „The Czech is looking for the SuperStar“ (known as Pop Idol)
2007 (summer) – solo part – concert with rock repertoire (Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Queen, Led Zeppelin…) named Radeberger Philharmonic Rock Night in Dresden, accompanied by Prague Philharmonic
- In November 2007 - we released the CD „Světlo v nás“ (= „Light Within Us“) also called „Music of the inner stillness“, project Le´HarMonja. This CD is the live-recording of the church-Christmas-concert 06
I have been a voice-pedagogue (since 2004) – teacher of singing, overtone and pop-singing in Prague
Since 2006 - I´m giving workshops:
1) Overtone techniques, resonance, voice training and proper breathing
2) Improvisation – discovering the inner potential for singing, voice improvisation as a way of self-expression by music and singing.
3) Consonance – working with vowels; resounding the voice leads to resounding the whole body and the deeper self-awakening
- Since 2007 – cooperating with the Maternity Centre in Prague, workshops for pregnant women (working with voice, proper breating, singing, sounding - as a way to the deeper comunication with the baby) :o))
About me: I'm a musician in the DC area who's interested in multiphonics on both voice and trumpet. I have some small ability at the moment at overtone singing, undertone singing, and growling intervals on trumpet, and am looking to learn more and improve.
About me: I am a Music Therapist working in an institution for Profoundly Mentally and physically handicapped individuals. I attended a Healing Sounds Intensive in Colorado in 2006 with Johnathan Goldman and heard overtone singing for the first time. Since then, I attended a w/shop by David Hykes and another by Fabian Maman in Santa Fe in 2008. I find that overtone singing helps a lot in my work towards restoration of anxiety.
About me: DIPHOO has been a singer and guitar player for many years, when he discovered overtone singing in 2003.
After years of self-training, DIPHOO has developped a relaxing and meditative healing session. Overtone singing accompanied by the sound of a shruti box makes you feel the harmonic healing sounds of natural music.
Enter into deep relaxation
Experience altered states of consciousness
Have your subtle energies cleaned
Get energetically balanced
Connection with your Inner Self
About me: Musician and therapist. Played in Bluegrass bands for many years. Ran a music club, Acousticality, in Totnes, Devon and Winterthur, Switzerland in the 90s. Formed The Overtone Choir UK with Ravi in 1998. Two CDs, Sound and Light, and , Spirals. Perform regularly with Ravi and the overtone band, solo concerts, collaborations with Nick Korth, classical musician,composer and leader of The Harmonic Ensemble. Have performed and recorded the classsical piece, Harmoniae Naturales II by Nicholas Korth conducted by Howard Moody with the Jupiter Orchestra.
Recorded a fusion CD of European overtone singing and contemporary Indian music with Dinesh Mishra called, Come Home to the Heart. Present projects include a new constellation called, the Overtone Ensemble, combining Mongolian and european overtone singing and music styles. On tour in the UK at the end of March 2009.
About me: It is nice to be busy with music. I like to give workshops and concerts so I give workshops in: overtone singing; drums building; working with the sounds of singing bowls, gongs, flutes, drums and so on.
So also I sell the following instruments: gongs from 50 - 110 cm, shepperd flutes krystal- and tibetan singing bowls, drums, sansula's, etc.
About me: I teach yoga and meditation in Denmark, and in my freetime i use overtone and othjer kind of singing with guitar creating my own music
About me: I'm a professional opera singer, tenor, I love to sing overtones and I use the overtone singing to teach my students how to sing properly
About me: Current projects:
Ballycotton (fantasy folk)
Fresch (acoustic folkrock trio)
Scharlatöne (Oberton-Trio Riccabona, Recklies, Polsterer)
umnachter project (solo project, acoustic music, world music, overtone singing)
About me: Classical baritone, vocal teacher, scientist.
Overtone singing since 1983.
Co-developer and initiator of Overtone Analyzer and VoceVista Video software.
» http://www.sygyt.com/
Scientific work on vocal sound production.
Author of the reference book "Oberton Singen", ISBN 3-933825-36-9.
» http://www.oberton.org/portfolio-item/oberton-singen-buch-cd/
Author of self-study DVD "The Overtone Workshop", ISBN 978-3-933825-82-7.
» http://www.oberton.org/portfolio-item/dvd-der-oberton-workshop/
Founder and voice coach of the European Overtone Choir.
» http://www.overtonechoir.eu/
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