Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

NTT Communication Science Laboratories

3-1, Morinosato Wakamiya, Atsugi-shi,
243-0198, Japan

phone: 81 46 240 3657
fax: 81 46 240 4716
email: kis(at)brl.ntt.co.jp

Japanese version

Curriculum Vitae



Ken-Ichi Sakakibara
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
Gender: male
Date of Birth: Feb. 11, 1968
Place of Birth: Nara, Japan
Nationality: Japanese
Current Position: Research Scientist,
Human and Information Science Laboratory,
NTT Communication Science Laboratories,
NTT Corporation
Work Address: NTT Communication Science Laboratories,
3-1, Morinosato Wakamiya, Atsugi-shi,
Kanagawa, 243-0198, Japan.
Phone (office): +81-46-240-3657
Fax (office): +81-46-240-4725
email: kis@brl.ntt.co.jp
WWW: http://www.brl.ntt.co.jp/people/kis/

* B.Sc. in mathematics, Kyoto University, 1991
* M.Sc. in mathematics, Kyoto University, 1994
"On Mordell-Weil lattices of higher genus fibration on rational surfaces" (Supervisor: Prof. Masaki Maruyama)


* NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation), April 1994 -- date
* NTT Basic Research Laboratories, August 1994 -- 1999
* NTT Communication Science Laboratories, January 1999 -- date
* Visiting Researcher, ATR Human Information Science Laboratories, July 2003 -- March 2005.
* Visiting Researcher, Department of Otolaryngology, The University of Tokyo, September 2003 -- September 2004, January 2005 -- date
* Part time lecturer, Department of Performing Arts, Ochanomizu University, February 2004 -- date

Research Projects

* Singing Voice: Physiology, Analysis, Synthesis
* Voice Quality
* Musical Acoustics: Analysis/transformation/synthesis of musical sounds
* Computer Music: Musical sound synthesis system, Composition


* List of papers

Committee Memberships

* A member of the board of directors, The Japan Association of Vocalization Instructors, 2003 --.
* A member of the International Scientific Commitee, International Conference: Speech Prosody 2004, 2003 -- 2004.
* A member of the International Scientific Commitee, International Conference: Speech Prosody 2006, 2005 -- 2006.
* A member of local organizing committe, International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics 2006, 2005 -- 2006.

Academic Memberships

* Acoustical Society of Japan
* Acoustical Society of America
* Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
* The Japan Association of Vocalization Instructors
* The Phonetic Society of Japan

Ken-Ichi Sakakibara

1. Masa-Hiko Saito and Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "On Mordell-Weil lattices of higher genus fibrations on rational surfaces", J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 34, pp 853 -- 871, (1994). [PDF file]
2. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara and Naotoshi Osaka, "Vibrato control using a sinusoidal model", J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., 21-5, pp. 279 -- 281, Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (2000).
3. Naotoshi Osaka, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, and Takafumi Hikichi, "A sound synthesis system `Otkinshi' on Windows", Trans. IEIC Infomation and Communication Eng. D-II, Vol. J84-D-II, No.6, pp. 946--954, IEIC, (in Japanese), (Jun. 2001).
4. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Tomoko Konishi, Hiroshi Imagawa, Emi Z. Murano, Kazumasa Kondo, Masanobu Kumada, and Seiji Niimi, "Observation of the laryngeal movements for throat singing -- Vibration of two pairs of folds in human larynx", Lay Language Paper for First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics in Cancun, Acoust. Soc. Am. World Wide Press Room , (Dec. 2002).
5. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "Production mechanism of voice quality in singing," J. Phonetic Soc. Jpn, 7(3):27--39. (Dec. 2003).
6. Satoshi Takeuchi, Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Niro Tayama, and Seiji Niimi, "Application and study of new high-speed digital camera for laryngeal region," J. Jpn. Broncho-Esoph. Soc., 55(4):357--361, (in Japanese), (2004).

Technical Reports

1. Naotoshi Osaka, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, and Takafumi Hikichi, "Otkinshi: Sound Synthesis System on Windows for music creation", NTT R&D, 672 -- 681, (in Japanese), (Sep. 2001).
2. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "On mechanism of voice production in throat singing Khoomei and Khoomij", NTT R&D, 655 -- 662, (in Japanese), (Sep. 2001).
3. Naotoshi Osaka, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, and Takafumi Hikichi, "Timbre synthesis methods for communication technology", NTT Tech. J. , Vol.14, No. 8, 63 -- 66, (in Japanese), (Aug. 2002).
4. Naotoshi Osaka, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, and Takafumi Hikichi, "Timbre synthesis technology that serves communication", NTT Tech. Review, Vol. 2-1, 45--49.(May 2003)


1. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Tomoko Konishi, Kazumasa Kondo, Emi Z. Murano, Masanobu Kumada, Hiroshi Imagawa, and Seiji Niimi, "Vocal fold and false vocal fold vibrations and synthesis of khoomei ", Proc. of ICMC, pp. 135 -- 138, (Sep. 2001).
2. Masanobu Kumada, Noriko Kobayashi, Hajime Hirose, Niro Tayama, Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Takaharu Nito, Mamiko Wada, Shin'ichi Kakurai, Chieko Kumada, and Seiji Niimi, "Quantitative analysis of vocal fold vibration during register change by high speed digital imaging system", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 111, p. 2477, (June. 2002).
3. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Seiji Niimi, and Naotoshi Osaka, " Synthesis of the laryngeal source of throat singing using a 2x2-mass model", Proc. of ICMC, pp. 5 -- 8, (Sep. 2002).
4. Naotoshi Osaka, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, and Takafumi Hikichi, " The sound synthesis system 'Otkinshi': its Data Structure and Graphical User Interface", Proc. of ICMC, (Sep. 2002). 188--191.
5. Masanobu Kumada, Noriko Kobayashi, Hajime Hirose, Niro Tayama, Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Takaharu Nito, Mamiko Wada, Shin'ichi Kakurai, Chieko Kumada, and Seiji Niimi, "Analysis of vocal fold vibration during register change by high speed digital imaging system", Proc. Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002, (Sep. 2002).
6. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Tomoko Konishi, Hiroshi Imagawa, Emi Z. Murano, Kazumasa Kondo, Masanobu Kumada, and Seiji Niimi, "Observation of the laryngeal movements for throat singing", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 112, p. 2264, (Dec. 2002).
7. Masanobu Kumada, Noriko Kobayashi, Hajime Hirose, Niro Tayama, Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Takaharu Nito, Mamiko Wada, Shin'ichi Kakurai, Chieko Kumada, and Seiji Niimi, "Analysis of vocal fold vibration on prosodic events by high speed digital imaging system", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 112, p. 2445, (Dec. 2002).
8. Miwako Kimura, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Roger Chan, Seiji Niimi, and Niro Tayama, "Histological investigation of the supra-glottal structures in human for understanding abnormal phonation", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 112, p. 2446, (Dec. 2002).
9. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Seiji Niimi, and Naotoshi Osaka, "The laryngeal flow model for pressed-type singing voices", Proc. Stockholm Musical Acoustics Conf. 2003 , Vol.II, pp. 495 -- 498, (Aug. 2003).
10. Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Niro Tayama, and Seiji Niimin "The effect of the hypopharyngeal and supra-glottic shapes for the singing voice", Proc. Stockholm Musical Acoustics Conf. 2003 , Vol.II, pp. 471 -- 474, (Aug. 2003).
11. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara and Hiroshi Imagawa, "Acoustical interpretation of certain laryngeal settings using a physical model," Proc. Speech Prosody 2004 , (Mar. 2004).
12. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Leonardo Fuks, Hiroshi Imagawa, and Niro Tayama, "Growl voice in pop and ethnic styles," Proc. International Symposium on Musical Acoustics 2004 , (Mar. 2004).
13. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, and Seiji Niimi, "The laryngeal voices in throat singing," Proc. International Congress on Acoustics , (Apr. 2004).
14. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Seiji Niimi, and Niro Tayama, "Physiological study of the supraglottal structure," Proc. International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics , (Aug. 2004).
15. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara and Hiroshi Imagawa, "A many-parameter model of laryngeal flow with ventricular resonance and supraglottal vibration," Proc. Forum Acusticum 2005 , (Aug. 2005).

Japan Domestic

1. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara and Naotoshi Osaka, "On concatination of musical sounds using a sinusoidal model," Proc. Study Group on Musical Info., 98-MUS-24, pp. 47--52, (in Japanese), Info. Processing Soc. Jpn., (Feb. 1998).
2. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara and Naotoshi Osaka, "On concatination of musical sounds using a sinusoidal model," Proc. Spring 1998 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 629--630, (in Japanese), Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Mar. 1998).
3. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara and Naotoshi Osaka, "On a control of vibrato using a spectral modeling," Proc. Fall 1998 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 643--644, (in Japanese), Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Sep. 1998).
4. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara and Naotoshi Osaka, "On analysis and control of vibrato using a sinusoidal modeling," Tech. Rep. Musical Acoust., Vol.17, No.5, pp. 29--36, (in Japanese), Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Nov. 1998).
5. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara and Naotoshi Osaka, "Extraction and control of vibrato for sounds of some instruments," Tech. Rep. Musical Acoust., Vol.18, No.4, pp. 47--54, (in Japanese), Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Sep. 1999).
6. Masahiko Todoriki, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Naotoshi Osaka, and Seiji Adachi, "Throat singing in Tyva, Khoomei," Tech. Rep. Musical Acoust., Vol.18, No.5, pp. 119--126, (in Japanese), Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Nov. 1999).
7. Ken Ito, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Ryoko Aoki, and Naotoshi Osaka, "Analysis and creation of Noh using a sinusoidal model," Proc. of Study Group on Musical Info., 99-MUS-34, pp. 79--82, (in Japanese), Info. Processing Soc. Jpn., (Feb. 2000).
8. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Seiji Adachi, Tomoko Konishi, Kazumasa Kondo, Emi Z. Murano, Masanobu Kumada, Masahiko Todoriki, Hiroshi Imagawa, and Seiji Niimi, "Analysis of vocal fold vibrations in throat singing," Tech. Rep. Musical Acoust., Vol.19, No.4, pp. 41--48, (in Japanese), Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Sep. 2000).
9. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Seiji Adachi, Kazumasa Kondo, Tomoko Konishi, Emi Z. Murano, Masanobu Kumada, Masahiko Todoriki, Hiroshi Imagawa, and Seiji Niimi, "Observation of vocal fold vibrations in Tyvan and Mongolian throat singing," Proc. Fall 2000 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 171--172, (in Japanese), Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Sep. 2000).
10. Kazumasa Kondo, Tomoko Konishi, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Masanobu Kumada, Emi Z. Murano, Masahiko Todoriki, Hiroshi Imagawa, and Seiji Niimi, "Laryngeal adjustment in throat singing," Proc. of 14th General Meeting of Phonetic Soc. Jpn., pp. 37--42, (in Japanese), Phonetic Soc. Jpn., (Oct. 2000).
11. Tomoko Konishi, Kazumasa Kondo, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Masanobu Kumada, Emi Z. Murano, Masahiko Todoriki, Hiroshi Imagawa, and Seiji Niimi, "Laryngeal adjustment in throat singing," Proc. of 45th General Meeting of Jpn. Soc. Logop. Phoniatr. Soc. Jpn., pp. 22, (in Japanese), Jpn. Soc. Logop. Phoniatr. , (Nov. 2000).
12. Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Tomoko Konishi, and Seiji Niimi, "Throat singing synthesis by a laryngeal voice model based on vocal fold and false vocal fold vibrations," Proc. of Study Group on Musical Info., 01-MUS-39, pp. 71--78, (in Japanese), Info. Processing Soc. Jpn., (Feb. 2001).
13. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "Exploring the possibility of the singing voice --- through a research of throat singing," Pamphlet of NTT Computer Music Symp. II , pp. 20--24, (in Japanese), NTT CS Labs., (Mar. 2001).
14. Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Tomoko Konishi, and Seiji Niimi, "Laryngeal voice model of throat singing based on vocal fold and false vocal fold vibrations," Proc. Spring 2001 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 255--256, (in Japanese), Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Mar. 2001).
15. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Seiji Niimi, and Naotoshi Osaka, "Evaluation of synthesized sounds by using thoat-singing laryngeal voice model," Proc. Fall 2001 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 293 -- 294, (in Japanese), Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Oct. 2001).
16. Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, and Seiji Niimi, "Voice source estimation of throat singing by Tyvan singers," Proc. Fall 2001 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 295 -- 296, (in Japanese), Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Oct. 2001).
17. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagwa, Tomoko Konishi, Seiji Niimi, and Niro Tayama, "Estimation of subglottal pressure using esophageal pressure," Jpn. J. Logop. Phoniatr., vol.43, no.1, pp. 57 -- 58, (in Japanese), Jpn. Soc. Logop. Phoniatr.,(Nov. 2001).
18. Masanobu Kumada, Noriko Kobayashi, Hajime Hirose, Niro Tayama, Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Takaharu Nito, Mamiko Wada, Shin'ichi Kakurai, Chieko Kumada, and Seiji Niimi, "Quantitative analysis of vocal fold vibration during register change by high speed digital imaging," 2nd report on the study of prosody and the interaction between articulators and phonators, pp. 125--128, (Jan. 2002).
19. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara and Hiroshi Imagawa, "Simulation of pressed voice phonations using 2 by 2 mass model," Proc. Fall 2002 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 293 -- 294, (in Japanese), Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Sep. 2002).
20. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Niro Tayama, and Seiji Niimi, "Simulation of the vocal fold and ventricular fold vibrations using 2 by 2 mass model," Proc. of 47th General Meeting of Jpn. Soc. Logop. Phoniatr., (in Japanese), Jpn. J. Logop. Phoniatr., Vol. 44, No. 1, p. 45, (Oct. 2002).
21. Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Niro Tayama, and Seiji Niimi, "Acoustical effect of the adduction of the supra-glottal structure," Proc. of 47th General Meeting of Jpn. Soc. Logop. Phoniatr., (in Japanese), Jpn. J. Logop. Phoniatr., Vol. 44, No. 1, p. 40, (Oct. 2002).
22. Miki Saito, Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Mamiko Wada, Mitsuhiro Mori, Kenichi Nibu, Mutsuro Amatsu, and Niro Tayama, "Observation of the vibrations of the neoglottis using high-speed digital imaging," Proc. of 47th General Meeting of Jpn. Soc. Logop. Phoniatr., (in Japanese), Jpn. J. Logop. Phoniatr., Vol. 44, No. 1, p. 87, (Oct. 2002).
23. Masanobu Kumada, Noriko Kobayashi, Hajime Hirose, Niro Tayama, Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Takaharu Nito, Mamiko Wada, Shin'ichi Kakurai, Chieko Kumada, and Seiji Niimi, "Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of vocal fold vibration during register change by high speed digital imaging," 3rd report on the study of prosody and the interaction between articulators and phonators, pp.133--136, (Feb. 2003).
24. Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Niro Tayama, and Seiji Niimi, "The effect of the adduction of the supra-glottal structure," Proc. of Study Group of the Brain Function for Communication, (in Japanese), (Feb. 2003).
25. Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Niro Tayama, and Seiji Niimi, "The effect of the shapes of the hypopharynx and larynx tube on voices," Proc. Fall 2002 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Sep. 2003).
26. Sayoko Takano, Kiyoshi Honda, Shinobu Masaki, and Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "Observation of the tongue-larynx interaction using highresolution MRI," Proc. Fall 2002 Meeting of Acoust. Soc. Jpn., (Sep. 2003).
27. Satoshi Takeuchi, Hiroshi Imagawa, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Niro Tayama, and Seiji Niimi, "Clinical application of a new high-speed digital camera," Japan Broncho-esphagological society
28. Mamiko Wada, Mami Sato, Satoshi Takeuchi, Shin'ichi Kakurai, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Seiji Niimi, and Niro Tayama "Physiological investigation of onsets in voice therapy ," Jpn. J. Logop. Phoniatr.,(2003).
29. Satoshi Takeuchi, Mamiko Wada, Mami Sato, Shin'ichi Kakurai, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Hiroshi Imagawa, Seiji Niimi, and Niro Tayama "Fibrescopic observation of laryngeal adjustment in voice therapy," Jpn. J. Logop. Phoniatr. (2003).

General Articles

1. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "Mieko Shiomi talks about Fluxus, I," Ongaku-geijutsu, Jan 1994, pp. 80--85, (in Japanese), Ongaku-no-tomo-sha, (1994).
2. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "Mieko Shiomi talks about Fluxus, II," Ongaku-geijutsu, Feb. 1994, pp. 80--84, (in Japanese), Ongaku-no-tomo-sha, (1994).
3. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "Concert Review: Recital of Hiroaki Ooi'," Ongaku-geijutsu, Apr 1994, p. 119, (in Japanese), Ongaku-no-tomo-sha, (1994).
4. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "World-Art Web," SoundArts No.2, Xebec, (June 1995).
5. Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "NTT InterCommunication Center," SoundArts No.3, Xebec, (July 1995).
6. Kengo Kuma, Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, "Soundscape for the memorial garden," SD, 9711, (in Japanese), Kashima-shuppankai, (1997).

Research Project

* Singing voice
* Voice production
* Voice synthesis
* Physical model of phonation
* Voice quality
* Comparative anatomy of the larynx

* Throat singing
* Language acquisition
* Timbre
* Emotional vocalization
* Sensory-motor interaction in singing

Recently interested hobby

Cooking, Soccer, Doing subject

Selected Publications

* K.-I. Sakakibara and H. Imagawa, "A many-parameter model of laryngeal flow with ventricular resonance and supraglottal vibration," Proc. Forum Acusticum 2005, (Aug. 2005). (PDF:190kB).
* K.-I.Sakakibara, H.Imagawa, S.Niimi, and N.Tayama, "Physiological study of the supraglottal structure," Proc. ICVPB2004, (Aug. 2004), (PDF:1.5MB).
* K.-I.Sakakibara, L.Fuks, H.Imagawa, and N.Tayama, "Growl voice in ethnic and pop styles," Proc. ISMA 2004, (Apr. 2004). (PDF: 470 kB)
* K.-I.Sakakibara and H.Imagawa, "Acoustical interpretation of certain laryngeal settings using a physical model," Proc. Speech Prosody 2004, (Mar. 2004). (PDF: 370 kB)
* K.-I. Sakakibara, "Production mechanism of voice quality in singing," J. Phonetic Soc. Jpn, 7(3): 27--39.(Dec. 2003).
* K.-I. Sakakibara, H. Imagawa, S. Niimi, and N. Osaka, "The laryngeal flow model for pressed-type singing voices," Proc. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conf. 2003 , pp.495--498. (PDF: 32 kB)
* H. Imagawa, K.-I. Sakakibara, N. Tayama, and S. Niimi "The effect of the hypopharyngeal and supra-glottic shapes for the singing voice," Proc. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conf. 2003 , pp.471--474. (PDF: 18 kB)
* K.-I. Sakakibara, T. Konishi, H. Imagawa, E. Z. Murano, K. Kondo, M. Kumada, and S. Niimi, "Observation of the laryngeal movements for throat singing -- Vibration of two pairs of folds in human larynx," Lay Language Paper for First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics in Cancun, Acoust. Soc. Am. World Wide Press Room , Dec. 2002. (HTML)
* K.-I. Sakakibara, H. Imagawa, S. Niimi, and N. Osaka, " Synthesis of the laryngeal source of throat singing using a 2x2-mass model," Proc. of International Computer Music Conference 2002 , pp. 5 -- 8, Sep. 2002. (PDF: 558 kB)
* K.-I. Sakakibara, T. Konishi, K. Kondo, E. Z. Murano, M. Kumada, H. Imagawa, and S. Niimi, Vocal fold and false vocal fold vibrations and synthesis of khoomei, Proc. of International Computer Music Conference 2001, pp. 135 -- 138, Sep. 2001., (PDF: 622 kbytes)
* K.-I. Sakakibara and N. Osaka, Vibrato control using a sinusoidal model, J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 179--181, Acoust. Soc. Jpn., 2000.
* M.-H. Saito and K.-I. Sakakibara, On Mordell-Weil lattices of higher genus fibrations on rational surfaces, Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University, Vol. 34, pp 853 -- 871, 1994., (PDF: 198 kbytes)

Created: Mon Feb 13 12:35:06 JST 1995
Last modified: Wed Dec 21 16:19:40 JST 2005

This content has been seen 190 times


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