Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

All Blog News (393)

Tran Quang Hai: Il canto difonico: descrizione, storia, stili, aspetti acustici e spetrrali, approccio orginale, richerche fondamentali e applicate, part 2

Tran Quang Hai : Il canto difonico : descrizione, storia, stili, aspetti acustici e spetrrali, approccio orginale, richerche fondamentali e applicate, part 2

Campo di azione del canto difonico

Dal punto di vista del campo d’azione, il canto difonico è equivalente al canto normale, fatta eccezione per ciò che concerne l’ambitus.

Il tempo di esecuzione è evidentemente in funzione della gabbia ttoracica del cantante, dunque della respirazione,… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 8, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Tran Quang Hai: Il canto difonico: descrizione, storia, stili, aspetti acustici e spetrrali, approccio orginale, richerche fondamentali e applicate, part 1

Tran Quang Hai : Il canto difonico : descrizione, storia, stili, aspetti acustici e spetrrali, approccio orginale, richerche fondamentali e applicate, part 1

Facciamo tutti del canto difonico senza saperlo ! Basta aprire la bocca ed emettere un suono di gola. Quest’ultimo è composto da un suono di base continuo invariante, tenuto alla stessa altezza, e da altri suoni più acuti, gli armonici. Il fatto è che non sappiamo ascoltare ! E, di…


Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 8, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

silence within music - eine Einladung ins Nichtstun

Liebe Obertonfreunde,

für alle, die zum 29. April in der Münchner Gegend sind oder herbeikommen wollen,

hinterlasse ich hier diesen Link:


Die "Einladung ins Nichtstun" findet dieses mal mit Rahmentrommeln, Tamburica, Körpertambura, Kalimbas/Sansulas und besonders fein… Continue

Added by Christian Hack on April 7, 2008 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

TRAN QUANG HAI: Overtones in Central Asia and in South Africa

Tran Quang Hai: Overtones in Central Asia and in South Africa


The most well-known area for overtone singing is found in Central Asia, more specifically Western Tuva and Northwestern Mongolia. A great number of singers practice overtone singing, a tradition going back to the time of the Silk Road trade, according to some references in Tuvan songs. There is a rich culture of overtone singing, as demonstrated by many different styles, the great… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 6, 2008 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Workshop of Overtone Singing with pictures, impressions and comments, edition 2007, Italy

11ª edizione - 2007


11ª Rassegna di Musica Diversa

"Omaggio a Demetrio Stratos"

Rassegna di Gruppi Rock-Underground

Italiani Emergenti

In occasione del 28° Anniversario della morte di Demetrio Stratos avvenuta il 13 giugno 1979, Raffaello Regoli e l'Associazione Culturale "Grande Albero" con il Patrocinio dell'Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Cento (FE), la collaborazione di Daniela Ronconi e Loris Furlan. Organizzano… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 6, 2008 at 1:30am — No Comments

Tran Quang Hai & Albert Hera: workshop of overtones at Omaggio a Demetrio Stratos festival, june 13 & 14 june 2008, Italy

Tran Quang Hai & Albert Hera

Nell'ambito della XIIª edizione della

Rassegna di Musica Diversa

Omaggio a Demetrio Stratos

Stage estemporaneo sul Canto Difonico, aperto sia ai principianti che agli avanzati.

Albert Hera:

gli anni di studi e di ricerche hanno permesso ad Albert Hera di sviluppare una propria identità in ambito musicale e una personale filosofia sulla didattica: “Il Cantar Naturale” propone una visione del… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 6, 2008 at 1:00am — No Comments

TRAN QUANG HAI: Method of Learning Overtone Singing Khoomei

TQH: Method of Learning Overtone Singing Khoomei A considerable amount of research has been for thee last 40 years carried out throughout the world into this vocal phenomenon, particularly as it is practised in Mongolia and Tuva.

In Mongolia and Tuva, thee word KHOOMEI means pharynx, throat, and KHOOMEILAKH is the technique of producing vocal harmonics. This most unusual technique, which takes the human voices to its limits,… Continue

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 5, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

Concert of European Overtonechoir

Today, it was wonderful. I was in Podebrady at the EOC (at the end of the meeting) and managed to record part of the concert. Just as much as the battery of my old notebook allowed me to. :)

Added by Filip Rydlo on March 28, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Europian Overtonechoir

on Tuesday 25th of March 2008, in the castle in Podebrady (CZ) I joined the meeting of European Overtone Choir for that day only. Too bad I did not have more holidays - I would have staid there till friday and sing on the concert...

I very much enjoyed giving a one hour lesson of advanced overtonesinging for about 32 overtonesingers.

Woooooow, it was fantastic new experience for me. I Love it !

I have never worked with so many skilled ovt.singers… Continue

Added by Filip Rydlo on March 26, 2008 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

Om For Peace

It's a simple idea: gather people together and sing a continuous OM as a meditation for peace. On Easter Sunday March 23rd, 2008 at 6:00 PM EDT, US, people, all over the world, who want to give expression to their wish for peace will gather in groups to join in the sound of many voices singing as one in an extended OM.

Each person, as a meditation on peace, sings their own note at their own rate guided by their breath. Within the group this builds an exquisitely beautiful, rising…


Added by Baird Hersey on March 19, 2008 at 5:00am — No Comments

Peace Pool Project

My story of water ...

Grown up in Murnau at the Staffelsee, Germany, my wish as a child was to become a scuba diver, saving money for a diving-suit. Then moving to Neuburg at the Donau. Instead of a diving-suit I bought a trumpet. 1970 moving to Morenhofen, a place with its own mill and a little lake. I invented the Aquaphon, a wind instrument combined with a trumpet, tubes and resonators for water. 1980 during my music study times at the university of Cologne I composed… Continue

Added by Christian Bollmann on January 1, 2008 at 7:00am — No Comments

Christian Bollmann - Spirit in Soundspace


My first encounter with sung overtones was in 1969 at a performance of Karl Stockhausen's "Stimmung" ("Mood") in the studio of the Beethoven Concert Hall in Bonn. The atmosphere created by the entirely new way of handling vocal sounds made me astonishingly alert and curious although I had always enjoyed singing, and had sung a lot, my main interest up until then had been in playing instruments. Just as I had recently heard synthesizer music for the first time, and… Continue

Added by Christian Bollmann on October 31, 2007 at 7:30am — 2 Comments

The Story of Our CD with Krishna Das

Gathering in the Light

In October of 2004 Krishna Das attended a release party for PRANA's first CD, "The Eternal Embrace". After Prana had sung, Krishna Das said to Baird, "Let's make a record together or something".

Over the next year the "or something" was Krishna Das inviting Prana to sing at his larger benefit Kirtans in the New York area. As a part of those evenings KD would join Prana to sing Baird's arrangement of his chant "Puja". The combination of the ethereal… Continue

Added by Baird Hersey on October 21, 2007 at 7:30am — No Comments

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kiva simova posted a status
"I have an improvising group with overtones and extended vocals: Midbrain Surfers. Visit: midbrainsurfers.com"
Dec 7
2 photos by kiva simova were featured
Dec 7
Sukadev Bretz posted events
Dec 7
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Mantra for confidence | radhe radhe radhe bolo by Mantra Circle

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Dec 7
Andreas Eder posted a video

Töne aus der Unterwelt, Tönerkreis München

Am 28. November diesen Jahres (2024) begab sich der Tönerkreis München am Nordfriedhof hinunter in die historische Kanalwelt der bayerischen Metropole. Organ...
Dec 1
Mikuskovics Baum posted a video

Es ist ein Ros entsprungen

Complete version of "Es ist ein Ros entsprungen" from the CD & Digital Album "Lux Natus Est" by Mikuskovics BaumOrder CD "Lux Natus Est": http://www.mikuskov...
Nov 29
A blog post by Jens Mügge was featured
Nov 14
Alexey Маrtynov joined a group
Nov 7
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Mantra for good & happiness | Karpur Gauram by Shivapriya from Mantra Circle

Karpura-gauram KarunavataramSamsara-saram Bhujagendra-haramSada Vasantam HridayaravindeBhavam Bhavani-sahitam Namamicomplete notes & chords:https://mein.yoga...
Nov 1
Jens Ickert posted an event
Oct 22
Galda & Mügge updated their profile
Oct 22
Galda & Mügge is now a member of OMN ...

Welcome Galda & Mügge!
Oct 22

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