Greetings everyone!
It's great to be among You, my friends, finally a site where I can exchange knowledge and ideas concerning my Passion, the jew's harp.
I've just registered, and I don't have many things yet, but I'm going to resume uploading, I have loads of stuff that could be interesting. ;)
I hope I'll be able to make lots of friends here. :)
Added by RKiT (Tamas Arki) on April 23, 2008 at 6:54pm —
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Obertongesang ist eine Gesangstechnik, die aus dem Klangspektrum der Stimme einzelne Obertöne so herausfiltert, dass sie als getrennte Töne wahrgenommen werden und der Höreindruck einer Mehrstimmigkeit entsteht. Man spricht dann von Obertongesang, wenn den Obertönen eine eigenständige musikalische Funktion zukommt, zu unterscheiden von Gesangtechniken, die lediglich die Klangfarbe der Stimme mit Obertönen anreichern.
Westlicher Obertongesang
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 22, 2008 at 5:53pm —
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Obertongesang in Mitteleuropa
Alexander Jentsch
Magisterarbeit am Seminar für
Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft
der Freien Universität Berlin.
Vorgelegt März 2007.
Vorwort ... 1
1. Fragestellung, Lösungsansatz und Methodik ... 3
2. Obertongesang – Eine Einführung ... 7
2.1 Physikalische und physiologische Grundlagen des Obertongesang ...…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 22, 2008 at 5:30pm —
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Master dissertation on the Overtone Singing in French presented by Renaud Schmitt in 2002 at the Department of musicology, Strasbourg.
Mémoire de maîtrise de Renaud Schmitt sur le chant diphonique (2002)
Mémoire de maîtrise de Renaud Schmitt sous la direction de Jacques Viret soutenu à l’université Marc Bloch…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 21, 2008 at 6:16pm —
How to Sing Three Notes at the Same Time
by Bernard Dubreuil / June 1, 1997
1- Nomadic herders and Tibetan monks
In Mongolia, in the Republic of Touva, in certain monasteries of Tibet and among the Xhosa people of South Africa, one can hear an amazing vocal technique in which one singer can produce two stable notes at the same time while a third note varies on top. In other words, one person can sing in chords and can also provide a melody.…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 21, 2008 at 6:02pm —
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Thanks to Jenska for creating the Phoenix Theme !
I like it.
Added by Filip Rydlo on April 21, 2008 at 12:05am —
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I have called Radka who organizes that festival "Prazske zneni" and she told me that the festival definitely will be this year 2008.
It was decided that it will take place In October from 12.9. to 14.9. 2008.
Soon more info will be available on the website:
Added by Filip Rydlo on April 17, 2008 at 12:06pm —
This is the link which can offer you nearly 100 video clips on overtone singing, throat singing, khoomei . Click on this link and you can choose the clip you like to watch .
Enjoy !
Tran Quang Hai…

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 16, 2008 at 6:00pm —
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VOCALIST,IMPROVISER,SONGWRITER,ACTOR,DIRECTOR,PRODUCER Makigami Koichi is leader/vocalist/theremin/mouth harp player for rock band HIKASHU, known for his virtuosic vocal range and expression as well as his unique incorporation of elements of theatre, performance, and entertainment, all of which make this Japanese band so widely acclaimed both critically and popularly.
He is also active as voice improvisation artist…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 15, 2008 at 11:00pm —
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(Contemporary and traditional music from Mongolia)
The band EGSCHIGLEN ("Beautiful melody") was founded in 1991 by master students of the conservatory of Ulaanbaatar. Still today 4 founding members are the heart of the group. From the very beginning, the musicians are focusing on contemporary music of Mongolia and searching systematically for the sound dimensions of this repertory with their traditional instruments…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 14, 2008 at 5:30pm —
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Mongolian music
Links to music sites and videos of Mongolian groups and singers specializing in traditional music. Khoomii,overtone singing, harmonic singing, throat singing, long song, urtin duu, morin khuur, etc
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Types of khoomii…

Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 14, 2008 at 5:30pm —
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Roberto LANERI, biography
Studies e Background:Philosophy studies: University of RomeDiploma (clarinet): S. Cecilia Conservatory, RomeB.A. in performance, M.A. in composition: State University of New Yok at Buffalo (SUNYAB)Ph.D. in composition: University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
Teachers:Lejaren Hiller, Charlie Mingus, William O. Smith, John Silber and Keith Humble have left the most durable influences.
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 14, 2008 at 6:30am —
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Artist Biographies
Kaigal-ool Khovalyg
An extremely talented, self-taught overtone singer, Khovalyg worked as a shepherd until the age of 21, when he was invited to join the Tuvan State Ensemble. He settled in Kyzyl and started teaching throat singing and igil. A co-founder of Huun-Huur-Tu, he left the State Ensemble in 1993 to devote his attention to the newly formed quartet. He has performed and recorded…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 14, 2008 at 6:00am —
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Kongar-ol Ondar
Ondar was born in 1962 near the Hemchik River in western Tuva, within sight of the ruins of the Chadaana Buddhist Monastery destroyed by the communists in the 1930's. Ondar's epic saga would converge around his singular vocal gift to make him Tuva's musical ambassador to the world. As a child, he was taught the fundamentals of throat-singing by his uncle. "Throat-singing is a tradition of Tuva that is very old," Ondar…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 14, 2008 at 5:30am —
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Thanks to the documentary film, Genghis Blues, Paul Pena is now known and appreciated throughout the world for his amazing accomplishments as a musician, particularly for having taught himself the techniques of traditional Tuvan singing.
K.O.& Paul perform at the Presidio Chapel (SF) Jan. 6, 2000. Paul's wearing a traditional Tuvan robe and hat that he was given during his epic journey to Tuva.
Paul Pena was born on January 26, 1950 in…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 14, 2008 at 5:30am —
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Inuit Throat-Singing
For those who know about throat-singing, the expression commonly refers to a type of singing mainly used in Tibet, Mongolia, Tuva (situated North-West of Mongolia) and surrounding regions. This particular type of singing differs from normal singing in that a singer can produce two or more notes simultaneously or unusual textures/timbres through special vocalization and resonance of the throat.…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 14, 2008 at 5:30am —
Michael Wright is rapidly becoming the most recognised player of the Jew’s harp in the United Kingdom today.
His expertise with playing this melodic, uncommon, yet historically important musical instrument is stretching the repertoire to its limits, both as a folk accompaniment and as a classical centrepiece.
His research into the social history of the instrument is ensuring that the full scope of the Jew’s harp’s contribution to trade and…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 13, 2008 at 10:00pm —
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“Tyva Kyzy” (“Daughters of Tuva”) is the first and only women’s group in Tuva that performs all styles of Tuvan throat-singing. This from of multiple tones harmonic singing has been practiced mostly by men and prohibited for women. Tyva Kyzy dares to perform publicly this ancient art of singing in their own unique “feminine” style.
Here is Tyva Kyzy’s “setkilemden sergek yr-dyr” (a cheerful song of my soul). The CD comes with a 20 page full color book and a 6 panel fold out…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 13, 2008 at 8:30pm —
Mark Van Tongeren, Amsterdam, 2002, p.110
One of the most controversial recent developments of khoomei is the growing popularity of female throat singing.....
.....Women and khoomei are a bad combination according to Tuvans. Khoomei is an utterly masculine matter, which is clearly reflected in a number of taboos for women. Tuvan men and women, as well as a Western overtone practitioner who demonstrated her skills in Tuva have told me about the…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 13, 2008 at 8:30pm —
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Mark van Tongeren is a sound explorer and ethnomusicologist who has worked independantly for theatre, radio, clubs, universities and conservatories as a performer, music teacher, dj and researcher.
He feels equally at home ‘in the field’ to study and practice indigenous vocal techniques, as in cutting-edge experimentation in sound and vision, using his voice and a wide array of instruments small and large.
He divides his time equally between the performing arts and…
Added by Tran Quang Hai on April 13, 2008 at 8:30pm —
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