20 years ago I began researching primitive flutes from Asia, South and Noth America. I research the use of healing sounds (shakuhachies, ethnic flutes, nature sounds, rainsticks, amazonian seeds) in Healing practice and meditation with more than 10,000 people. After all this time, I recorded a cd and played it when my son, Luan was born in the hospital!!! The music is a blessing and it´s a real door for the spiritual healing worlds!!!! ALOHA!!!
Today in Brazil I have 10 cds and play: 185 ethnic flutes, shamanic drums, kalimbas, percussion, crystal singing bowls, tibetan bowls, etc.
Oregon, Shakti, Weather report, Shiv kumar Sharma, hariprasad Chaurasia, Chick Corea, Jon Kaizan Neptune, Riley Lee, Stephan Micus, etc etc.
Hellow Daniel,
if you want a slovak folklore Fujara, you can Kontakt me about the Drahos Dalos Fujara. I can give You the Contakt or if you want a West Europe Fujara you can contakt "Winne Clement" here in the Overtone-Network.
With friendly Overtones RODERICK ZEIG www.Fujara.ch
Hi Daniel!
Nice playing man!
This is the chromatic set of bass overtone flutes. The principle of playing is the same as on concovka, but our flutes are covering bass range.
More details here:
At 10:48pm on September 24, 2008, Wolfgang Saus said…
Hi Daniel, yes, let's do something together. I very much enjoyed our session in Prague. You are not only a brilliant and touching musician. Your presence gives peace, you are a very special man and I am happy to know you. Wolfgang
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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I have Your CD and I Love your music!
I also remember You from concert in Prague.
all good wishes
if you want a slovak folklore Fujara, you can Kontakt me about the Drahos Dalos Fujara. I can give You the Contakt or if you want a West Europe Fujara you can contakt "Winne Clement" here in the Overtone-Network.
With friendly Overtones RODERICK ZEIG www.Fujara.ch
so good you found the way to our network - welcome-
looking forward to meet in Brazil next year.
All the best
wow 84.000 is really a lot! :)
keep in touch and rock on!
Nice playing man!
This is the chromatic set of bass overtone flutes. The principle of playing is the same as on concovka, but our flutes are covering bass range.
More details here:
Qué bueno encontrarte aquí!
Muy bella la música del nuevo trabajo!
Un abrazo de Paz y Luz infinitas!
yo conmemoro a tus concierto en Praga y me gozo a demás.
Hug Mila
welcome to OMN!
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