Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Borys Cholewka
  • Male
  • Lyon
  • France

Borys Cholewka's Connections

  • uRYa
  • Arjopa
  • Javier Monteagudo
  • Anthar Kharana
  • Raphael De Cock
  • Tran Quang Hai
  • Paul Freh
  • Wolfgang Saus
  • Vladiswar Nadishana
  • Baird Hersey
  • OMN

Borys Cholewka's Page

Profile Information

As a band we are:
Singer, composer and trainer, he founded the vocal group Phenomenon in 2004.
Initiated in slavic singing in his Ukrainian family at the age of eight years, Borys Cholewka study and practice for nearly thirty years, different vocal techniques of traditional and sacred songs from masters in Europe (Sister Marie Keyrouz and Tran Quang Haï) Russia (Bielka and Oksana Vykhristyuk), India (Nageswara Rao, B. Krishnamurthi, Lakshmi Shankar), in the Peruvian Amazon (Ikaros songs) and Siberia (Vladimir Soyan). After being introduced to the various ways of sacred songs and meditation, he embarked on a series of trips to Siberia to investigate the ritual songs with touvins mainly Ouvaja Oleg Tchouldoumovitch, Sat Nadezhda Mijit Dorjouievna and Vladimir Soyan.
Since 1980, along with his artistic career as a singer, he teaches for professional and for anyone who wants to get involved on a path of development through the singing voice.
Since 2004, he continued his collaboration with the FNDSA (Foyer Notre-Dame des Sans Shelter) in Lyon: The formation of a choir - with and for the homeless.
Today he lives in Lyons, artistically he participates in the work of the contemporary dance company ANOU SKAN where he conducts workshops since 2001 "Songs of the World and vocal techniques" Sacred song - drum - Meditation. "


Borys Cholewka's Photos

Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 5:12pm on January 22, 2009, Arjopa said…
Dear Borys!!
Thanx a lot for your friendship,here & for your very very nice comment!!

We are so happy, that a great musican,as you are, likes our Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk,that much!!

Greetings from Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like

At 5:25pm on November 4, 2008, OMN said…

Salut, Borys!
Today it is a special day for all of our community. Congratulations! Thanks to be here. I wish you all the best and health for the next 50 years!
Yours Jens
At 9:44pm on May 3, 2008, Anthar Kharana said…
Hola Borys!

thanx for your words :)
and yep, it will be really good to meet up one day and hopefuly in a festival, any plan to come to London? if so, do let me know ;)
I also really enjoyed your music, your choir sound very powerful and inspiring...
wish you the best in whatever you are doing ;)

keep in touch :)
At 1:56am on May 2, 2008, Vladiswar Nadishana said…
Hi Boris! Nice to meet you!
thanks for that!
Enjoy this music toy:

At 5:35pm on April 15, 2008,
Tran Quang Hai
Cher Borys,
Je suis content que tu deviennes membre de l'Overtone Music Network.
Tu verras que c'est fructueux ici car tu peux annoncer tes concerts sur ce blog avec photos .
Essaie de mettre ton annonce pour les concerts en Belgique ici.
Tran Quang Hai

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