Mantra for the divine | Maha Mantra by Katja
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare performed by KatjaMaha Mantra, also called Hare Krishna Man...
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
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Greetings, Sarah!
We are an overtone singing ensemble based in the Washington D.C. metro area. We are currently transitioning into a non-profit performance and education driven organization. We put on a wide variety of concerts, workshops, vocal meditations, and have had the pleasure of teaching and working with a local university choir when they performed your piece, "Past Life Melodies". It'd be wonderful to get in touch with you about your work and explore possibilities of performing your music in the future!
-Robb Saffell (co-founder & director)
I Love Australia sooo much!
I also Love AURALIA ;)
We had once a concert in K4 (student club) and someone have mispelled our name on the wallpapers as:
Australia !
So, for that day, we were Australia :-)))
There are no words that could describe how much I am glad to see Thee here at OMN !! :)
I was really missing Thee here since OMN was created!
I Thank Thee for accepting the invitation to OMN and also for Thy friendship.
(I am so sorry. My apology, for my delay. I was stabilizing myself in a new work and also we have moved recently with my wife to a new flat... so there is, err. was much to do around it. Now it is pretty here.)
May Mother Nature bless Thee and Thy beautiful creative music!
Peace and Love
dear sarah,
"Remember The Joy ~ Life Is Sacred" is one of the most beautyful songs i ever heard. thank you for sharing. while listening to it, i played the maraca and it fits.
with swinging regards
p.s. i can only listen to your song on the omn-startpage. maybe your profil-player is somehow defect. check it out, please.
I'm writing because i would like continue in contact. Please!!!
You are very interesting and is beatiful talk with you.
See you!!!
all the best!!!!
Abdul Khalik.
Note: sorry, i don't talk english very well but i'm studing to comunicate my emotions and great wishes for the people!
Thanx a lot for your OMN-friendship!!
Your music is great - love your Cello!!
We are so happy, that you like our Khoomei Throatsinging Folk Punk,that much!!
Greetings from Berlin!!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
R.I.P.Tran Quang Hai said…
How glad I am to receive your news after many years . I did send you a few emails without any reply from you .
Finally , you are here . We can keep in touch .
Tran Quang Hai
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