I'm a guitar player and a composer. I have worked as a music teacher, scoring films, and writing and playing music for diferent kinds of shows (including contemporary dancing, circus and experimental music performances). I discovered overtone singing near 2000, but I started to practice it at the end of 2006. I like cinema and literature.
Guitar, bass, voice, keyboards, samplers and synths, singing bowls.
I think almost everything I've heard has influenced me in some way. I'm very interested in the history of music (from ancient music to 21st century music). I like jazz, rock, "world music", electronic music. I love music.
welcome to OMN. Is it right that's your birthday tomorrow? Thanks that you followed my invitation. I grabbed your email address from an email by Stuart which he send to his dearest friends and contacts. If you will have any issues please use this form to contact the admin team - Marco from Italy and me.
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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Bona nit, Santos.
Mai he escoltat la teva musica i trobo quest molt bona :o) Per què no pujas unes altres cançons ?
Moltes graciès i una abraçada.
welcome to OMN. Is it right that's your birthday tomorrow? Thanks that you followed my invitation. I grabbed your email address from an email by Stuart which he send to his dearest friends and contacts. If you will have any issues please use this form to contact the admin team - Marco from Italy and me.
All the best,