Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

  • Male
  • Oberhausen
  • Germany

Hopsi's Connections

  • grover
  • Purevsuren Usukhjargal
  • Arjopa
  • GANA - Ganpurev Dagvan
  • papajeahja Sandy Kühn
  • Hosoo
  • Kolja Simon

Hopsi's Page

Profile Information

About me:
born in Mülheim an der Ruhr (NRW) on a November day in 1960. Grew up in a large family (five girls and two boys) where everyone learned an instrument. After a teaching gardeners and florists doctrine (in the family business) years of professional experience (Frankfurt am Main, Bolzano, Merano, Milan, Como & Munich). Alongside one of my great passions, the "travel" followed (alone on foot from Munich to Venice, on foot through the resin, Vogelsberg, Bavarian Forest & Black, hitchhike to Morocco, only 1 / 2 year to India .., Nepal ..< Potala>, USA, Kanada, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Malaysia, Indonesia .. Gambia, Senegal ....) training at the State College in Weihnstephan to "state-certified master florists. Studies funded by various club than DJ in Munich and Freising (Topact: DJ at a party of Dalffer Candy & Freddie Mercury <40th GB>), returning to Muelheim and parental takeover of the company, ten years of self-employed business owner of the flower shop, 2004 task of the business & Employed in a specialist as a "master florists" in Oberhausen. Due to a herniated disc changing the profession to "Löwenzahn Erziehungshilfe e.V." in Oberhausen. There, as "Organisations & Medienmanager" active.
As a band we are:
Solo, Anahat Nada &Unisono
Moorin Chuur
Huun Huur Tu, Enkhjargal, Rüdiger Oppermann, Olaf Scholz, Marie Boine ect.

Hopsi's Photos

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 8:58pm on June 20, 2009, Purevsuren Usukhjargal said…
Hallo Liber Hopsi,

vielen dank

Grüße Usko
At 6:58pm on May 13, 2009, Arjopa said…
Hallo lieber Hopsi!!

Herzlichen Dank für Deine Freundschaft hier!!
Ja, wie gesagt, wenn Du hier in der Gegend bist,
dann melde Dich doch bitte & wir können dann ja mal ne
Runde jammen!!

Liebeste Khoomei Kehlgesangs Country Punk Grüße aus Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like

At 5:56pm on April 28, 2009, Arjopa said…
Hallo lieber Hopsi!!
Schön, daß Du meiner Einladung gefolgt bist & den Weg hierher gefunden hast!!
Klasse auch, daß man jetzt auch Deine Musik hören kann - hab ich jedenfalls gerade bei myspace gemacht!!

Hoffen, daß Dir auch unser OMN-Freund wirst!!

Khoomei Kehlgesangs Country Punk Grüße aus Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like

At 1:03am on April 9, 2009, Jens Mügge said…
Hello Hopsi,

welcome to this network! If you have any questions You can check out the FAQ. Here You will find all new announcements and if you have any issues you can send the admin team a report via this form.

That's it! Welcome to OMN!

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