a common space & database for harmonic overtones
"KLANGDUSCHE": Julia and I are regularly staging short overtone singing acts in a Viennese art gallery - everybody welcome to join!
location: Galerie am Loquaipark, Liniengasse 2a, 1060 Wien
next event: coming up
if you wish you can stretch out on a mat, relax and enjoy. looking fwd to see you!!
*** NEW CD: "Mizharmoniques" ***
If you are interested in the project or want to order a copy, simply write an email to zauberton@hotmail.com
CD "zauberton": was recorded in July 2009 in the Otto Wagner Jugendstil-church in Vienna/Steinhof. You can order a copy by sending an email to zauberton@hotmail.com
If you want to leave a comment, feel free to do so on the Comment Wall below, or by sending an email to zauberton@hotmail.com
btw, we are on the lookout for inspiring locations suitable to sing overtones - best are rooms with long reverberation times like the Otto Wagner-Kirche in Vienna where we recorded our CD. If you happen to know such a location (could also be industrial installations or empty swimming pools) we would be grateful for any suggestions!
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thanks that you joined this network too. Your overtones in Opus 3 are amazing. Welcome to this network! If you have any questions to some features you can check out the FAQ. Here you will find all announcements and if you have any issues you can send the admin team a report via this form.
Enjoy! - Jens Mügge