a common space & database for harmonic overtones
The Shiva Lingam, used for meditation as the crystal (Crypto-Crystaline Quartz) resonates at one of the highest frequencies that we know an inanimate object to do. Strangely we have only discovered this in recent years yet for centuries this has been used to heighten the ability to meditate.
The Jews harp in many forms has itself been used to enter trance or bring on moments of euphoria through playing and the resonance via your teeth into the skull.
Notice the resemblance to the Base, the Linga, with the part that resonates in the centre Ithe Lingam Stone. Was the Morsing/Morchang based upon the early linga?
..of course, but interesting. All these things, music, resonance, meditation, trance the oldest most natural forms of expression and introspection. The 'Trump' exists throughout the world as our first attempts to create alternative music in it's different forms.
Is there no initial birth place of the harp, was it the natural progression for our species regardless of continent to create an object so more people could sing/make music?
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