Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Overtone Singing can be so controversial, uncompromising, ugly, it can have very strange overtones and evoke seriously freaky reactions.

Come along with your stuff.

And, of course, watch the my page and this:

What do you say?

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Replies to This Discussion

The technique Otto was using is called "Strohbass" and Wolfgang Saus' home page has links to Leo de Fuks' project of undertone singing as well...

Dubstep is indeed insanely convoluted stuff... Right up my alley, I just don't understand why it's becoming so "mainstream" now...
I never understand why anything becomes mainstream.
It's either shit or actually too weird to be liked by many people... Trends are a strnge phenomenon I'll probably never understand.

Dan Zimmermann said:
I present this: http://soundcloud.com/teejdadeej

I like the second one, Monster Trap.
Some sounds remind me of Aphex Twin who is one of my favourites.
I know... what gets me is that this guy is actually quite good. He's also surprisingly enough from the city I currently live in, went to school with my stepson and hangs out with my co-workers... can't wait to meet him and ask him.
I got my hands on a nice automation sequencer that does simply amazing stuff. Sky's the limit now, bro.

This seems like a massively worthwhile place to be. I've just started with overtones and came to it through various metal/drone acts. There seems to be almost endless capacity for getting a massive ominous sound out of them

Well, it would be nice if there was some more activity on this group. :-) So welcome.
May I ask which metal/drone acts you are referring to?

yes, welcome, tell us your thoughts on this

The key one that got me into overtones is Sunn O))). They perhaps don't have a huge direct overtone presence on first listen, but there's something about the scale of the sound they make that touches on the kind of ritual sublime that for me functions in the same way as a lot of overtone presentation. The vocalist they often use, Attila Csihar has an incredible range that includes overtones, which led me down that route. I think as well there is something in the interaction of tone in drone music that keys in to overtones - because the structure is often so simple it becomes possible to appreciate tone itself rather than necessarily just melody. The metal element is purely through investigation of vocals other than standard western singing and exploration of what the voice can do - I found Karygaa fairly easy to grasp the basics of, possibly due to being an extreme vocalist - there did seem to be some parallels in use of the throat.

Well, the drone is very important for overtone music, since there must be a fundamental tone. With a steady fundamental, a drone, you get the harmonic series you can build overtone melodies on that will always sound good.

http://alonetone.com/danibal/tracks/heavyploing here's an old track i did on jewsharp. it's done with a simple distortion wich makes the overtones needle sharp. be careful with the volume though. ;)


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