Töne aus der Unterwelt, Tönerkreis München
Am 28. November diesen Jahres (2024) begab sich der Tönerkreis München am Nordfriedhof hinunter in die historische Kanalwelt der bayerischen Metropole. Organ...
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Discussions Replied To (3) | Replies | Latest Activity |
"Thank you Dan - that was a lyrical and logical response. "Dean Frenkel replied Apr 27, 2011 to 'lips, tongue, nose and throat singing' |
8 | May 9, 2011 |
"Absolutely. That's one of the many exciting things about it. There are so many appli…"Dean Frenkel replied Apr 1, 2009 to 'lips, tongue, nose and throat singing' |
8 | May 9, 2011 |
"I agree that polyphonic singing is as apt as any term, and I have used it. I'm aware…"Dean Frenkel replied Apr 1, 2009 to 'lips, tongue, nose and throat singing' |
8 | May 9, 2011 |
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