Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

There is a new project to realize, using members audio tracks, a set of more OMN Audio Compilations divided into different sections (jew's harp, fujara, harmonic chant, ... ).
This project provides a promotional purpose only to share the Overtone Music Network SOUND/OMN BRAND in the world for free.
We want to create an OMN Showcase about our artistic works. People in the world will be able to download our virtual CD, with cover package, for free.

The project requires:

1 - Members of Overtone Music Network are willing to share some of their composition already added to this network. Compositions have to be FREE FROM PROFIT COPYRIGHT (Siae, Gema, Ascap, ...) and we 'll use Creative Commons licences with NO COMMERCIAL goal (no royalties, no fees, no money).

2 - an Artistic Director for each compilation; each participating member can create an own compilation managing all aspects, contacting other members for tracks, deciding the genre (for example jew's harp, fujara or harmonic chant ...), managing the tracklist, the art package (cover, involving painter-printer-designer who are active on OMN) and the title of the virtual CD. Anybody can be Artistic Director for his compilation.

Well, the main purpose in not to make money, but each Artistic Director can decide to ask for each download an optional donation for benefit social projects, for example through betterplace.org or other sites.

We are preparing an presentation space (netlabel) at http://netlabel.overtone.cc in which all compilations will be featured. To preserve an acceptable sound quality we recommend mp3 format with 192 kbit/s at least.

We have decided to use www.bandcamp.com for the whole project.

Each OMN member can choose among 3 possibilities - only one for a compilation, another choice for a next compilation:
1 - to be an Artistic Director
2 - to be an audio-track author
3 - to be a graphic artist involved for a cover/package

We will create the OMN Compilation group, in which members concerned with this project can suggest and share choices, opinions, ideas, and in which Artistic Directors can propose their compilation concepts.

And now a final explanatory example:

A member decides to manage an OMN Percussion Compilation. He tries to search affected members for his compilation, he tries a member for the art package. At the end he decides to ask (or not), for future downloads, an optional donation for the XYZ benefit project . So people in the world will be able to download a compilation and to make (or not) a donation.

So the compilation is ready:

CD TITLE: .....
Track 1: ..... by (author name)
Track 2: ..... by (author name)
Track 3: ..... by (author name)

ART DIRECTOR: ..... (www.....com)
GRAPHIC DESIGN: ..... (www.....com)
Technical notes: ...
Artistic notes: ...
OMN logo
Creative Commons logo (or CC license symbols)
Netlabel logo

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sounds good! i hope that the Creative Commons wil please everyone. it's a still a relatively new concept. whan i started my first CD the manufacturer didn't know CC and he wanted me to pay a fee for the dutch BUMA/STEMRA, which would be complete nonsense since I was using CC-lisenses.

there are many benefits but sometimes when you are a registrated artist (Siae, Gema, Ascap, ...) you already gave away your copyrights for those bigger insitutions to "protect" your work. So we could be excluding artists who are making good music just because they gave away their ownership of their own music.

If you are not sure if your music is copyrighted the right way. you should go to creativecommon.org and look how to register your songs.
Hi Danibal,
our idea to leave out members registered on these PROFIT societies, is very simple:
these members would have to ask them (siae gema ascap ...) the authorization to share own music with a NON PROFIT project like our. And these societies can't say OK.

We all know CC, it is a kind of solution, we are considering another possibility, Safe Creative, you can read here too.
don't get me wrong: i'm a huge fan of CC. i think i just wanted to point into the advantages of CC. i have never heard of safe creative but it looks as a nice alternative.
Ok Danibal, SafeCreative seems to me a good idea.


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