Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

I can´t understand how silent is this forum....

Well, anyway. I have a cheap wireless headset but I am not satisfied to the sound. Yes, I am not satisfied to my sound eather, but it is better than what comes from my pa. Do you have any experiences about mikrophones that pick the overtones well.


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I have a Sennheiser Evolution 825 dynamic MIC. I barely use it for fear of leaving it laying around to have my toddler use it for anything but a MIC. It's got a good range and a cardioid characteristic that lets it pick up well without being restricted to direction. My voice does not require this cool unit to record - yet.

All my public recordings are made on a SONY DCR-SR45 HandyCam with built-in ZoomMic (R). This recorder features a Hard disk, so I never run out of recording space and saves PCM waveforms in 48000Hz resolution, 32-bit, which makes it excellent for reproduction and mastering (I know, it's a cam-mic, but it is quite good). The Cam picks up sounds as low as -78dB distinctly enough to filter them from any ambient noise and make decent clips. The dynamic range "hears" anything from a teardrop hitting a piece of paper to a fire engine clearly, which makes it excellent to tape myself at a distance, even facing away from the MIC.

All the above qualities are why I don't use my (really expensive) wireless headset boom MIC. The proximity of the MIC to the sound source (me) causes overdialing, clipping and distortion due to spittle and breath. Because it's wireless, I don't have real-time support for monitoring, so listening to the MIC line over the headset is slightly delayed, so by the time you notice feedback or clipping, it's ruined the take already. Sure, it stays equal distance from my lips no matter where I turn my head, but friend, believe me when I tell you that a stationary boom MIC of decent quality like the Shur will record you better than even the most expensive lapel or headset MIC. And in my opinion, the artist's turning of the head to view the instrument adds "life" to the music...

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