There's no instrument with a more simple construction than the overtone flute. Just a tube, a blowhole or a fipple and a person doing the work with his breath. Simple as it is in construction, the overtone flute encourages you to build one yourself. But as with all simple things, the devil is in the detail.
There are many materials to build a flute from: bamboo, different woods, even copper or pvc. And the blowhole or fipple can be made in many different ways. Any builders out here (and there are some, I've noticed) that want to share their tricks of the trade?
My favourite material is elder. There are plenty of these shrubs growing in the area where I live, on different soils and with different microclimatic conditions. I find the wood that has grown on a loamy, sandy soil, in a moist area with poplars the best. When it comes to construction, my favourite is the scandinavian sälgflöjt, blown sideways, but with a fipple like a recorder. What are your favourite materials and constructions?
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