Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Overtone Singing can be so controversial, uncompromising, ugly, it can have very strange overtones and evoke seriously freaky reactions.

Come along with your stuff.

And, of course, watch the my page and this:

What do you say?

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I don't understand fully. Is this the forum to post and discuss overtone vocalizations that are intentionally less than beautiful?

We'll breathe some life into this place... just wait
Overtone singing often comes along with meditation, 'universal harmony', 'sound healing' and lots of other stuff to save the world with.

Where there is light, there are shadows, so this group is about the dark side of overtoning - whatever that may be.

Very appropriate this group is almost dead, maybe a zombie. You are very welcome to play Frankenstein here.
Threads go "dead" sometimes... a successful reanimation song might be appropriate...
I recorded some very strange Kargyraa yesterday, no real overtones, but still creepy. I'll see how I can upload that when I pulled it into my computer. Maybe it fits in here...
Very strange Kargyraa is very welcome here.
Ok, it's online, on my page, the file "0079 16.03.2011 12Uhr52 Strange Kargyraa". It's the only one at the moment. Could I link it directly in this discussion?
Ok, here goes:
I have recently done some non-harmonic overtone work while driving and listening to rock radio.
I discovered that I have ALWAYS done Kargyraa when I imitated distorted guitars!
Chylandyk sounds a LOT like the staccato siren sound used on Darude's "Sandstorm".
Flanging a waveform does a similar thing as changing vowel shapes with your mouth while singing.
The fairly new musical style "Dubstep" sounds like a sound engineer on acid... look into it. I have no idea how this is made whatsoever, just that it's probably in some way technically related to overtones...
Please answer me...
Hi Dan,
I think in most electronic music styles, be it techno, dubstep or whatever, filtering the sound plays a big part.
And filtering the sound is what we do when singing overtones...

Distortion enrichens the overtones of the guitar sound - I think what it does to the sound is quiet similar to what Kargyraa does to the voice. It becomes fuller, 'fatter'.

What I usually did when imitating distorted guitars: adding some breathy noise to the sound of my voice. Never thought about it before, just did it intuitively. I guess quiet similar to your 'non-harmonic overtone work'.
I should work on that because I like the idea of my voice and guitar playing becoming indistinguishable.

All the best,
What I want to know is how they manipulate the modulation rhythmically, but somehow interactively? I can sample, loop and fade, echo, reverb, distort, convolute and more, even dynamically, but not to this extent. And certainly not in any musical manner. This goes beyond using an LFO to phase shift the wave form after it's already been chorused, while using VLFO to modulate a flanger effect, it's fluid, but choppy, quivering and pulsating, but based on existing tracks, distorted and phase vocoded. And it's infectious it seems. I've been seeing more and more people listening to this strange strange music. The same people that point and laugh at us throat and overtone singers! They REALLY don't get it...

I have recently explained to someone why we constrict the throat when overtone singing... I told them that it attenuates the fundamental thus leveling out the harmonic content, out of which it is then easy to filter the desired overtone. This goes for Khoomei style. For Kargyraa, I think you are correct, the overtones are there, but get amplified by the second sound source. I have a feeling that the "rattling" of the vestibular folds "slapping" together at say 240Hz does a similar thing as the filter "chopping" the samples in dubstep. I don't know how to explain this in English... manchmal blubbert das so, als ob man den ton durch eine wassergefüllte Röhre leitet, die einen variablen Wasserspiegel hat, aber auch eine variable Resonanzfrequenz, Und das alles kann intuitiv und rhythmisch verändert und beeinflusst werden...

As for non-harmonic stuff... it's not really disharmonious. It's just intentionally not using harmonics... I mean, I don't aim for the overtone, I just change my vocal tract while belting out a tune I made up...

Think of Bobby McFerrin singing "Drive" with his self-accompaniment... In this performance he utilizes vowels to add flavor to his regular "doo-doo" background vocal he's made famous in "Don't worry, be happy". He sings a phrase that changes in pitch AND changes vowel color like "hmm-bee-doo-bow-düüüo mm-bapmm-dabü-deer-bo-dow" and it sounds awesome. But if you used that formant sequence on a steady drone, it sounds stupid...

I add overtone formants to my soft Kargyraa (not fully clamped down) and use a lot of air for vocal sound, and it sounds a little "funky", dirty, not quite in tune, but moody and cool. I'll upload some some day, if I ever record it.

I like how my fundamental "drowns" in the music when I sing along. I can do Sygyt to a rock tune on the radio and go pretty well, but only when the music stops can I hear that the fundamental is not really harmonious to the song. It does work as a base for the harmonics which ARE harmonious with the song.

I have always imitated things and used my voice in weird ways. With the tool of overtones, I can imitate car alarms in the parking lot, sending people running to check if it's their car, lol. Like I say, I have apparently always use a form of Kargyraa to imitate guitar chords or to impersonate Popeye or Froggy, or Marge, Patty or Selma from the Simpsons. I used Kargyraa to imitate Otto Waalkes when he imitated Lee Marvin...

I should work on learning to compose properly...
Hi Dan,
ah, Du bist auch Deutsch?

Interesting explanations about your singing, but what sounds most interesting to me is what those dubstep-guys seem to be able to do. Do you have any links to examples?

it's fluid, but choppy, quivering and pulsating' - I would like to hear that!
I am at the moment working on possible sound modulations and I have this feeling I am not completely up to date about what can be done, so I look forward to new possibilities.
I'll look for it

Wikipedia is my friend again... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubstep

I present this: http://soundcloud.com/teejdadeej
Die Welt ist klein...
As a kid, I always wondered what Otto was doing there. lol
There is a Dubstep project called "DamnyouMongolians". I listened to it in hope of throat singing, what I heard was a cool electronic style. Lost the link to the youtubechannel, though...
I haven't looked further into dubstep, might become more now.


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