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This Japanese mantra 'The Great Invocation' was promoted by Dr. Masaru Emoto as a path into World Peace and for purifying the Waters of the Planet. This powerful Affirmation led us to a perfect alignment with the Great I AM by becoming sources of universal energy.
This Mantra was written by doctor Nobuo Shioya for focussing on the powerful connection to ourselves and the great power within us.
Harmony, Truth (true) and Greatness (great) are the powerful words that unify us in a extraordinary experience of magical connection to universal energy, to Life and to all the Universe. The eternal power of the Universe has gathered itself within us, which are united in meditation and prayer and it will be manifested into reality through our thoughts, emotions and intentions.
In occasione della III Ed. della Giornata Mondiale di Amore e Gratitudine dell'11 giugno 2017 e del Festival del Culto dell'acqua di Villanovaforru (9-11 giugno), il coro armonico "Sherden Overtone Choir" (fondato da Giovanni Bortoluzzi e Ilaria Orefice) ha musicato "La grande invocazione" mantra giapponese promosso dal Dr. Masaru Emoto, una preghiera dedicata alla purificazione delle acque del pianeta.
Ringraziamo per la realizzazione della canzone della Grande Invocazione il coro Sherden Overtone Choir e la partecipazione di: Viviana Scano, Ilaria Orefice, Giorgio Diana, Katia Ignari, Vincenzo Mario Boi, Giovanni Bortoluzzi (canto armonico, flauto, chitarra). Interpreta la dea del mare Francesca Cara (Tribal Fusion). Si ringrazia lo studio AudioVoice Studio.
On the occasion of the 3rd Ed. Of the Great Day of Love and Gratitude on June 11, 2017 and of the Villanovaforru Water Cult Festival (9-11 June), the "Sherden Overtone Choir" (founded by Giovanni Bortoluzzi and Ilaria Orefice) has recorded the "The Great Invocation", a japanese mantra promoted by Dr. Masaru Emoto, a prayer dedicated to the planet's water, and to our Sardinian Sea.
We thank the choir 'Sherden Overtone Choir' for the Realisation of the song of the Great Invocation and we thank also the participation of: Viviana Scano, Ilaria Orefice, Giorgio Diana, Katia Ignari, Vincenzo Mario Boi, Giovanni Bortoluzzi (harmonic, flute, guitar). Francesca Cara interprets the goddess of the Sea (Tribal Fusion) Thanks to the Studio Audio Voice Studio.
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