a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Long ago in the home of Shiva, Parvati sat on Mount Kailash, sitting and chanted the thousand names of Vishnu, a very long, complex and time-consuming prayer. Shiva was in a hurry and wanted to go to another cosmic appointment, and he told her that it was time to go now. Parvati replied that she could not leave until she finished her prayers. But it was impossible for Shiva to wait any longer, so he said, "Parvati, say this mantra: Aum Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Rama.' It has a similar power as the 1000 names of V ishnu, and now let us go.
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Hola Jens. Que alegría ver qué ya está la página en Español. Enhorabuena por todos estos años de servicio a los armónicos. Eres un ser maravilloso.Gracias
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