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Olkhoh Gate folk ensemble (Russia)
Vladimir Markov (Irkutsk) - jew's harps, balalayka;
Irina Bogatyreva (Moscow) - Jew's harp, singing and big hammer;
Julia Lantseva - singer, pan glute, flute, gudok, balalayka;
Ekaterina Klimina - singer, pan flute, hurdy gurdy.
We are happy to finally release our new music video. You’II find our new composition based on two Russian traditional folk songs and some exotic instruments like jew’s harp, kugikly (a kind of pan flute), hurdy-gurdy and balalayka. Welcome to listen it and please feel free to share if you like it!
The composition is based on two traditional Russian folk songs:
"Kukushechka" (Cuckoo) from Belgorod area, Russia and "Kokushka moja" (My Cuckoo) from Linevo village, Sumskay oblast Ukraina. You'll see the rite "kumlenye" when girls choose their best friend.
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Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing this naturally manner of singing and playing instruments
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