a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Heilsingen ist aus meiner persönlichen Erfahrung vor mehr als 20 Jahren entstanden und aktualisiert sich seit 1998 ständig durch die vielen Begegnungen mit Teilnehmenden an meinen Kursen. Die Begegnung mit freilebenden Delfinen über den Gesang hat meine heutige Berufung geprägt.
Wir singen und tönen unter dem Motto 'Lass mich die Welt singen' in der musigbörse & workshophus, Rosenweg 37, in Bern. Dort wird ein Raum geöffnet, ein Spielfeld für Inspiration, Freude und Ganzsein dort wird das Leben gefeiert, wie es sich grad zeigt.
Healing singing (chanting) opens up in us and around us a sacred, protected space. This space is the source of oneness. It's the place where our creative potential expresses and manifests through our voices. Through the sound of the voice occurs the connection with the spiritual realms and us, the human beiings of the earth.
So we come in touch with the essence of our origins, which lays in our melodic consciousness. In this setting, the body remembers other worlds, the light, the vibration of universal love. Tones come from listening, out of the moment. It is our life force, our breath and the sound of the core of our being. The sound of the voice penetrates the bottom, on which we stand, and also has an effect on the vibration of the earth. This generated vocal vibrations penetrate the deepest layers of the body cells; support the renewal on the atomic and molecular level. Our human energy system harmonizes and aligns itself. Healing happens immediately. The voice is the medicine we have always with us, and if we use it, it connects us to the heavens and the earth. Healing Singing - Open for everyone - A group of people come together to tone and sing.
Some know each other, many meet for the first time. Toning and singing connects us on a soul level and feelings of oneness can be experienced. Healing Singing always arises from the now. We relax in the now. We feel, which sound moves deep within us. We express with our voices what we hear and feel within. We listen to and are guided by the sound itself. By toning, all our levels are being fused together and we learn physically, that we ARE sound. When we let our intuitiv body express, what moves us deep within, intense self-healing is possible. Then we can overcome boundaries and limitations, that hinder us. We experiment and discover pristine areas of our self.
We sing and chant 'Let me sing the world' in the musikbörse & workshophus, Rosenweg 37, 3007 Bern. There, a space is opened, a playing field for inspiration, joy and wholeness.
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