a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Overtone singing in the Caves of Sant'Eustachio during the Festival delle Grotte 2012 in San Severino, Marche, Italy. A heartfelt thanks to Carmen Chimienti and Omero Affede of the Teatro del Contagio for the invitation into the magic nature of San Severino.
Thank you for listening, let me know what you felt, where you went while listening, what you saw…
Much love, Igor
► Online Overtone Class: www.feeling-sound.teachable.com/
► To purchase Igor's music : www.feelingsound.bandcamp.com
► Online sessions: www.urbanyogi.live/igorezendam
► Website: www.feelingsound.com
► Youtube.com/user/IgorFeelingSound
► Facebook.com/SingingFreedom/
Canto Armonico nelle Grotte di Sant'Eustachio durante il Festival delle Grotte 2012 a San Severino, Marche. Ringraziamo di cuore Carmen Chimienti e Omero Affede del Teatro del Contagio
per l'invito nella natura magica di San Severino.
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