a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Elements of classical Greek prosody:
Disyllables 00:12
Trisyllables 00:34
Tetrasyllables 01:18
Elements of Sanskrit prosody:
Yamatarajabhansalaga - a mnemonic key 02:46
- A De Bruijn sequence 03:38
Virahankas prosodic Fibonacci distribution 03:59
pyrrhus, dibrach 00:19
iamb 00:22
trochee, choree (or choreus) 00:25
spondee 00:28
Tribrach 00:38
Anapest, antidactylos 00:44
Amphibrach 00:47
Dactyl 00:51
Bacchius 00:56
Cretic 01:00
Antibacchius 01:04
Molossus 01:09
tetrabrach, proceleusmatic 01:24
quartus paeon 01:28
tertius paeon 01:32
secundus paeon 01:37
primus paeon 01:41
minor ionic, double iamb 01:46
diamb 01:51
antispast 01:56
choriamb 02:01
ditrochee 02:06
major ionic, double trochee 02:11
first epitrite 02:16
second epitrite 02:22
third epitrite 02:27
fourth epitrite 02:33
dispondee 02:39
The distribution on length units for each groups of the syllables:
Disyllables, 2, 3, 4 units respectively: 1-2-1
Trisyllables, 3, 4, 5, 6 units respectively: 1-3-3-1
Tetrasyllables, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 units respectively: 1-4-6-4-1
Which is clearly the order of a Pascal triangle.
Prosody: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosody_...
Sanskrit prosody: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskrit...
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