a common space & database for harmonic overtones
A magical song for dreaming and healing. In ancient times, people practised special dream techniques in order to experience healing. The deity Asclepius played an important role in this. This vocal improvisation is a reminder of this forgotten tradition, and invites you to try it out.
Overtone singing improvisation with live loop recording
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ASKLEPIOS by Timber - Overtone singing improvisation with live loop recording
A magical song for dreaming and healing.
In ancient times, people practised special dream techniques in order to experience healing. The deity Asclepius played an important role in this. This vocal improvisation is a reminder of this forgotten tradition, and invites you to try it out.
Hello Timber, most impressive! Thank you for sharing this experience! Greetings, Jens
Thank you Jens! Greetings from the sunny South! ;-)
Really magical! Timber, it's great and quite moving
Thanks so much for sharing it !
Thank you, Annie, for your feedback !:-)
Hi, and thanks for the Link! A Question To Timber: which electronic "Looping Equipment" do you use? I am planning to use it on my Overtone-chanting together with a HANG soon , but there is too much Equipement out there, mostly only really fit for Guitars and not really good for Overtone singing . So what is max lenght of one looping track , how many tracks (eg. how much RAM to store the tracks) Any Link to the Equipment type you are using , to catch a clue in which direction i have to search for, would be appreciated. Are the Loops in the Looper editable? USB or MIDI.Connection ? Battery or Mains(AC 220V ?) or small Wall-mount-PWR-Supply.Thanks for any reply in advance => happy easter ! and stay save! best regards Norbert
Norbert, In this recording, I use the TC Electronic Ditto X2 Looper. It can record up to 5 min. in Stereo. If you want to discuss further details, you are welcome to contact me directly and I am happy to discuss this with you in German ... :-)
You can find my contact details on my homepage http://www.voicemagic.de/index.php/de/kontakt/impressum
Happy Easter!
Ich bin begeistert!! Das motiviert mich, doch nochmal den Looper anzufassen!
Very nice - thanks for sharing!
Hallo Timber, Schöne Ostern und Danke für die prompte Antwort! (Ich bin da leider nicht mehr so schnell). Auf den TC DITTO war ich auch schon mal gestossen, wußte aber bei deren Beschreibung nicht so recht ob er sich auch für (Oberton-)Gesang eignet. Deshalb nochmal Danke für den freundlich kompetenten Hinweis. Mal schauen ob ich so ein Teil gebraucht o. auf ebay etw. günstger bekomme. Im Moment versuche ich erst mal noch einen FET-Vorverstärker für meine PIEZO-HANG-Tonabnehmer zum Laufen zu bringen (als ehem. Computertechniker sind Elektronik-Basteleien für Oberton,HANG,Shrutibox usw immer noch ,eins meiner Hobbies, gerade jetzt in HOME-(Office) Zeiten und weil sich unsere Gruppe seit ca 1 Jahr nicht mehr treffen kann o.will, bleibt mehr Zeit f. solche Basteleien. Jedenfalls nochmals ein herzliches Danke für Deinen sehr schönen Oberton-Beitrag!
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