a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Overtone Singing
Chen-Gia Tsai
* Perception of overtone singing
* Physical modeling of the vocal tract of a Sygyt singer
* False vocal fold surface waves during Sygyt singing: A hypothesis
* Kargyraa and meditation
The voice of overtone singing is characterized by a prominent formant. In this spectrum of a sound produced by a Taiwanese overtone singer, the 10th harmonic is stronger than its flanking components by more than 25 dB. It is not fully understood how the formant becomes so sharp.
Overtone singing, also known as throat singing, is a vocal technique found in Central Asian cultures, by which one singer produces two pitches simultaneously. When listening to the performance, a high pitch of n*f0 can be perceived along with a low drone pitch of f0.
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Bloothooft, G., Bringmann, E., Capellen, M., Luipen, J., Thomassen, K. (1992). Acoustics and perception of overtone singing. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 92(4), 1827-836.
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Fletcher, N.H., and Rossing, T.D. (1991). The Physics of Musical Instruments. Springer-Verlag.
Hirschberg, A., and Kergomard, J. (1995). Aerodynamics of wind instruments. In: Mechanics of Musical Instruments. Springer-Verlag, 291-369.
Kob, M. (2002). Physical Modeling of Singing Voice. Dissertation, University of Technology Aachen, Logos Berlin.
Levin, T.C., and Edgerton, M.E. (1999). The throat singers of tuva. Scientific American. Sep-1999, 80-87.
Lindestad, P.A., Sodersten, M., Merker, B., Granqvist, S. (2001). Voice source characteristics in Mongolian "throat singing" studied with high-speed imaging technique, acoustic spectra, and inverse filtering. J. Voice 15(1), 78-85.
MacDonald, A.W., Cohen, J.D., Stenger, V.A., and Carter, C.S. (2000). Dissociating the role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex in cognitive control. Science 288, 1835-1837.
Pagneux, V., Amir, N., and Kergomard, J. (1996). A study of wave propagation in varying cross-section waveguides by modal decomposition. Part I. Theory and validation. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 2034-2048.
Tsai, C.G. (2001). Physical foundations of overtone-singing. Science Monthly 375, 209-216. [in Chinese]
* http://www.avantart.com/postcards/etuva.html
* http://www.acoustics.org/press/144th/Sakakibara.htm
* http://www.scs-intl.com/cgi-bin/webzonetuva/zone.cgi?list
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