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Leonardo FUKS : biography
at the lab with reed woodwindsfakir oboist (by L.F.)
Leonardo Fuks, PhD
Leonardo Fuks is a Brazilian engineer and musician who has just finished his doctoral thesis at the Department. His research project Breathing and blowing in the woodwinds: musical, acoustical and physiological aspects was supervised by prof. Johan Sundberg and supported by a CAPES grant. Back to Rio de Janeiro, he has resumed the position of associate professor at UFRJ - School of Music from January 1999.
* Publications
* Curriculum vitae
* Research project
* the Music Group staff
* the Music Acoustics home page
* THE THESIS INTRODUCTION - FROM AIR TO MUSIC: Acoustical, Physiological and Perceptual Aspects of Reed Wind Instrument Playing and Vocal-Ventricular Fold Phonation
* Sundry Sounds produced by me (including Tibetan-like voice)
In Sweden:
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
TMH - Department of Speech, Music and Hearing
Drottning Kristinas v. 31
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
In Brasil:
UFRJ-Rio de Janeiro Federal University, School of Music
Rua do Passeio 98, 20021-290, Brasil
Av. Osvaldo Cruz 112, apto. 801, Flamengo, 22250-060, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
phone +46 (8) 790 92 66 fax +46 (8) 790 78 54
+55 (21) 5514723 leonardo@speech.kth.se
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