Hi all.. well I've almost got everything up together and all going well Twang.me should be ok to register. I must stress that this is a personal project so does not have the infrastructure like OMN which is mostly preconstructed on the NING networks. I have my reservations about NING in light of recent events with open source widget developers, it seems NING can drop anybody as they see fit regardless of who may be using the plugins.
READ here. As there are so many other groups and bodies regarding the Jews Harp I always found it difficult to find people and assiciated events, so twang.me I hope will fullfill all those needs and provide this information. I'm hoping to list all events around the world and other websites with similar content.
This site is supported by other enterprises and requires no donations or funding - all it requires is us to keep in touch and spread the word and enthusiasm for the Jews Harp. Even in the last year I have noticed it's popularity and web presence soar - I hope you will join me in this venture and be the First Jews Harp Social Network.
Although I won't be bale to attend the
Munnharpa event we have a photographer (Martin) that will be there to promote twang.me so if you are there make sure you say hello. :D
If there are any glitches please let me know.
Thanks all - peace
Darren 'Harpy' Smith
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