Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Hi all.. well I've almost got everything up together and all going well Twang.me should be ok to register. I must stress that this is a personal project so does not have the infrastructure like OMN which is mostly preconstructed on the NING networks. I have my reservations about NING in light of recent events with open source widget developers, it seems NING can drop anybody as they see fit regardless of who may be using the plugins.READ here. As there are so many other groups and bodies regarding the Jews Harp I always found it difficult to find people and assiciated events, so twang.me I hope will fullfill all those needs and provide this information. I'm hoping to list all events around the world and other websites with similar content.

This site is supported by other enterprises and requires no donations or funding - all it requires is us to keep in touch and spread the word and enthusiasm for the Jews Harp. Even in the last year I have noticed it's popularity and web presence soar - I hope you will join me in this venture and be the First Jews Harp Social Network.

Although I won't be bale to attend the Munnharpa event we have a photographer (Martin) that will be there to promote twang.me so if you are there make sure you say hello. :D

If there are any glitches please let me know.

Thanks all - peace

Darren 'Harpy' Smith

This content has been seen 92 times

Comment by Jens Mügge on October 12, 2008 at 3:11am
Dear Warren, you have your reservations about NING because they shut down WidgetLaboratory. It seems NING can drop anybody as they see fit regardless of who may be using the plugins. Read here ... and here. I was a member of WidgetLaboratory to check out their offers. But I saw that I will not be happy purchasing widgets by WL. I am not afraid using NING. Ning offers a very good support and they keep up their good work. I started this network on NING because I am not a programmer. I am only a hacker. As a developer you are welcome to be admin of OMN. But maybe it will be a problem for you? OMN was featured in May 12th 2008 on the Ning Blog and OMN is now connected with more than 40 subdomains of NING. I would like to give you all these links. But is useless.
And the point: Remove the google adds is the most expensive premium service by Ning. You can read my comment to this point here ... You know I joined twang.me - so twang me and keep up YOUR good hard work.
Comment by Danibal on February 9, 2009 at 1:58pm
and don't forget the international jew's harp society BTW. it 's not an online community though but it's an International network of several specialists and musicians all over the globe. At the moment you can find the at: IJHS
Comment by Jens Mügge on February 9, 2009 at 4:53pm
... and the next the next 6th International Jew's Harp Festival will be held in Kecscemet, Hungary in 2010 .... - I read on this website. I shall contact Aron Szilagy is there written. But how can I contact him? Is it the website which you have told me last year?
Comment by Danibal on February 9, 2009 at 9:23pm
Oh yeah, there is not a direct link there. bummer. but if you go to his personal page on the same site there is a link to .. I think Doromb.com and there you can find a way to email Aron.

I think that's the site I told you about, yes. The IJHS doesn't have a very active webpresence at the moment, but I suppose that this will change moving towards the 6th International Jew's Harp Festival. I am also part of the IJHS by the way, since the last festival in Amsterdam (2006)
Comment by Jens Mügge on February 9, 2009 at 10:37pm
Thanks Danibal. I know that you are part of the IJHS. You wrote me that last year and also you wrote me to contact me asking me about some website details. I will check out Aron's personal page. By the way - just now I set up a new free webspace on Ning maybe it could be useful to create own video widgets with an own logo or website branding. Stay tuned Danibal and hopefully we will see us 2009.
Comment by Darren Smith on February 9, 2009 at 11:20pm
Hey Guys, just joined Doromb and it looks pretty cool. I really don't know what to do with twang.me, I started it hoping to create a Jews Harp Community.. I know OMN is a good community but it wasn't specialised and now I've seen Doromb I'm wondering if I'm trying to re-invent the wheel. I haven't had the time to concentrate on the site due to work and I'm looking for support now if I'm to carry it on. I'm wondering whether I should just use it for personal webspace... your opinions would be appreciated. :D
Oh and I hope to meet up with you at the next festival, I missed 2 last year I really wanted to visit, should be great!
Comment by Jens Mügge on February 9, 2009 at 11:55pm
Hi Darren, twang.me is a nice social network. I just joined Doromb too but I have to check it. Virtual reality is a kind of reality - but for what? Connecting people or stealing people time that people meet people face to face. Merchandising is maybe a keyword. Find advertisment partner ... but really: how much we are? How great is our community of jaw harper? In may I will not have time to work alone on this site here. Now it is possible to give members here administrator roles, a role for songs, photos, videos and so on. I have to go this way that more people are involved here. So I can understand you that you are looking for support how you can carry twang me on. Is it possible to use it for personal webspace? Just make it with Wolfgang Saus. He started oberton.org in this way that he contacted all musicians and created a Who is Who of the overton scene and an info portal for overtone music. This is one part of his website. The other part is his personal website ... so maybe you can manage this with twang me too.

Yeah, would be great to meet up with you 2010 in Hungary. Face to face meeting with jew's harp sessions that would be cool!
Comment by Jens Mügge on May 23, 2009 at 11:24pm
Hi Darren, what's happened with your www.twang.me Are you still working on it behind the scenes? The links in my first reply are now empty because Ning closed their own Network Creator Forum. A good new reason for you, Darren, to have some reservations about NING ...


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