Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

All Blog News (393)

Mongolian music

mongolianmusic.blogspot.com is a blog dedicated to promoting Mongolia and its culture in general. You find there links to music sites and videos of groups and singers specializing in traditional music from Mongolia and some contemporary music too.

Hosoo & Transmongolia live @ Overtone Festival Prague 2008 Hosoo & Transmongolia live @ Overtone Festival Prague 2008 - Photo © JM

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Added by Jens Mügge on May 20, 2009 at 5:30am — No Comments

»Healing Buddha Oratory - a lovesong for Tibet«

»Healing Buddha Oratory - a lovesong for Tibet«

Die neue CD von Christian Bollmann und dem Obertonchor

Einen Tag nach dem die CD 2008 aus der Fertigung kam, kamen die ersten Schreckensmeldungen aus Lhasa. Auch nach diesem vergangenen Jahr braucht Tibet weiterhin unsere Unterstützung. Ich hoffe dass diese CD hilft, die Sympathie für Tibet in der Welt zu stärken und damit einhergehend auch dazu beiträgt, das Verhältnis von China und Tibet zu…


Added by Christian Bollmann on May 16, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

Grateful to have found this group

It seems over the last few years that I have been growing a voice. Meditation inspired me to do the Om mantra, and over the past few years there have been so many unexpected pleasant surprises. Aside from healing my mind, the AUM mantra has transformed my body. My voice has changed so much that I am astonished. Aside from all of the miracles that come with the path of yoga, a wish was granted to me. It is something I've wanted since I was a little boy. I can sing! The wish has come true but not… Continue

Added by Zackarius on May 16, 2009 at 9:21am — No Comments


unser (gerhard narbeshuber und julia renöckl) erstes obertonkonzert in wels (oberösterreich) ist mit großem beifall und vielen begeisterten zuhörern über die bühne gegangen.

wir haben 3 stücke a cappella gesungen. und eine zugabe mit shrutibox.

demnächst (wenn ich es schaffe) werde ich euch ein stück zum reinhören bereitstellen.

das feedback unseres veranstalters:

DANKE für das wunderbare konzert.

habe bereits zahlreiche begeisterte rückmeldungen… Continue

Added by Julia Renöckl on April 17, 2009 at 3:09pm — No Comments

Thanks for Invitation

Hello Jens and all Group Members of this Lounge.
I'am very glad to be one of us :-)
Overtone -singer with joy and feeling....

Wanna say : peace has to come to the world and we can help each other to have some more peace in our lifes through singing out of heart and soul.

Added by JUNI.VER.SUM on April 11, 2009 at 7:45pm — 1 Comment

Bach's St Matthew Passion ...and still magic

It's not overtone singing, but I love this piece. It is an important part of my musical background and it gives light on who we are, how we developed our society. I stood in for somebody at short notice, joint the rehearsal today. I don't know how often I performed J.S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion in the last 30 years, 30 - 40 times? As highlights I remember the Israel tour with Seeliger (where our bus was attacked and I later faced a bomb attack without injuries), Paris with Helmut Rilling…


Added by Wolfgang Saus on April 8, 2009 at 1:00am — 1 Comment

My book is finally out

Dear OMN community,

I'm happy to announce that my book "On the Physiology of Voice Production in South-Siberian Throat Singing – Analysis of Acoustic and Electrophysiological Evidences" is out now.

It took me really a long while . I actually started working on it in 2000 as my PhD project. Then of course - as many of you perhaps also know - there came other jobs, duties, projects. And finally I had to rush since in order to get a particular job I needed to finish and… Continue

Added by Sven Grawunder on April 7, 2009 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

New book on throat singing

Sven Grawunder, PhD, phonetician and scientist from Max Planck Society Leipzig, published a very recommendable scientific book on Siberian throat singing. It's the most sophisticated and comprehensive disquisition on the topic I found until now.

Grawunder, S.: On the Physiology of Voice Production in South-Siberian…


Added by Wolfgang Saus on April 6, 2009 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments


meine OBERTONKURSE IN GRAZ (Verbesserung des Chorklangs durch Obertonwahrnehmung und Steuerung in der eigenen Stimme) UND IN WIEN (Anfänger Obertongesangstechniken)...sind super verlaufen.

hier ein paar rückmeldungen der teilnehmerInnen:


Ich habe vor dem Workshop ein paar Sachen gehofft; ich wollte für unseren Chor (und ein paar bestimmte

Mitglieder) eine Möglichkeit haben den… Continue

Added by Julia Renöckl on March 29, 2009 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

Moveable larynx

This is a nice way to realize a simple moveable larynx.

I use this model on my workshops to explain clearly some larynx movements.

Look at this video.

You can download the pdf directions…


Added by Marco Tonini on March 29, 2009 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Overtone singing teaching in China?

Hello everyone
I am a Danish girl, right now studying in Shanghai.
I have two weeks to do a personal project and I really want to get in to the world of overtone singing. I am eager to learn how to sing myself!
Do any of you know where to go in China to find overtone singing?
I really hope you can help me
Thank you - Gro Mygind

Added by Gro Mygind on March 24, 2009 at 3:07pm — 2 Comments

video porträt jens zygar und klangheilung

Hallo Freunde des kosmischen Klangs!

Folgendes Porträt wurde dieser Tage auf einem Heiler-Portal veröffentlicht.

würde mich über ein Feedback freuen!



there will be an english version pretty… Continue

Added by Jens Zygar on March 21, 2009 at 4:30pm — No Comments

The Geometry of Harmony

The following pics show an interesting test result from water that was exposed to the recent overtone concert and chant evening in Munich: (September 4th 2008) I always put a bowl of water up for vaporizing and refreshing the air during my concerts. Later I pour out the water that has been energized through sound into a lake or river in order to re-inform nature with the vibrations of the harmonics that are captured in the water (please see…

Added by Christian Bollmann on March 7, 2009 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Geometrie der Harmonie

Die folgenden Bilder zeigen ein interessantes Testergebnis von Wasser, das am 4.September 2008 den Klängen eines Konzertes und Singabends in München ausgesetzt war. Ich stelle bei meinen Konzerten immer eine Schale mit Wasser zur Luftbefeuchtung und Erfrischung auf. Später gieße ich das Wasser, welches durch die Klänge energetisiert ist, in einen See oder Fluß, um die Natur an den harmonischen Schwingungen der Obertonreichen Musik teilhaben zu…

Added by Christian Bollmann on March 7, 2009 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

New workshop series and choir

Kiva has been signed with the Prague Overtone Festival organization to teach a series of workshops throughout 2009 titled 'Vocal Freedom through Overtone Mastery'. The opening event took place on Feb 13-14 with showcase concerts and lectures. 2009 marks the first year that year-round activities will take place in the form of intensive workshop weekends. She will also be forming her own overtone choir with original compositions and experimental works. There will be approximately 14 rehearsals,… Continue

Added by kiva simova on February 21, 2009 at 10:30am — No Comments

New phantastic downloads of Stuart Hinds' "Ageless"


Added by Wolfgang Saus on February 16, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

The Alien Oh-chan

I added new One-Shot video clip on " vimeo " sevice.

address is here

The Alien Oh-chan = 宇宙人おーちゃん

Please enjoy

Satoru Honda

Added by Satoru Honda on February 2, 2009 at 5:25am — 6 Comments

What God Wants ?

This is also a very interesting book. It has changed lives of many people in the world literally over-night!

I am reading it nowadays with Hanka and I am very much enjoying it. :)))

Before this book we have read several books from Richard Bach:
The Only One, Illusion, Bridge Over Forever, Out of Self, Biplane. and I think they are fantastic!

Added by Filip Rydlo on January 28, 2009 at 7:37pm — No Comments

Homage to Demetrio Stratos

Our friend Raffaello Regoli is the manager of

13™ Review of Different Music "Homage to Demetrio Stratos"

Review of Emergent Rock-Underground Groups

Initially, at the 30 anniversary of the death of Demetrio Stratos, the review aimed to observe a year of silence to not exploit the memory of this artist.

Given the constant demands and insisted we continue to believe that it will work in… Continue

Added by Marco Tonini on January 26, 2009 at 7:20pm — 2 Comments

You give me fever...dengue mosqitos use overtones for selecting mates

Read in NRC Next this morning (the got it from Science): recent research has shown that dengue mosquitos, the ones responsible for yellow fever, adjust their mating buzz until they sound in harmony.

Normally, male mosquitos buzz at a frequency of aroud 400 Hz, and female ones at 600 Hz. But when two potential lovers meet, they adjust their buzz until they create a harmonic of about 1200 Hz. When the male has reached the correct overtone, they start mating.

Ehm...well,… Continue

Added by Maaike on January 14, 2009 at 5:12pm — No Comments

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Jens Mügge commented on kiva simova's status
kiva simova posted a status
"I have an improvising group with overtones and extended vocals: Midbrain Surfers. Visit: midbrainsurfers.com"
Dec 7
2 photos by kiva simova were featured
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Galda & Mügge updated their profile
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